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Posts posted by hill_393

  1. A recent conversation I've had with my mate Dave has made me come up with an idea for a video, and a challenge........

    The challenge I put to my fellow riders is to make a video featuring the following :

    Every move must be with your wrong foot forward

    Every move must be completed with your wrong foot forward

    Every obstacle must be attacked from your wrong direction

    As much as possible, no bashring recoveries

    It's not really a video for an outside audience, but I would like to see fellow riders attempts and video's. I've recently just spent an afternoon riding wrong foot forward as above, with the same rules, and I'll tell you what I've had a ball. I def feel Im improving!! And also it can ony help your riding!!!

    Doesn't need to be huge moves. I'll be more impressed by Tech Stuff.

    It's only a laugh, but I feel the benefits could be huge.

    Good idea or not?


  2. Well to save hassle mate, get the train to Tonbridge, and I'll drive you from there. Saves hassle. In fact I'm riding with Rob tonight, so Ill see if there's any chance of you maybe staying at his that night? Saves you an early morning commute.

    Also riding Out of Class means you wont directly be competing against anyone, just ride a route of your choice - I'm prob going to be riding Red Route, maybe Yellow. It's been a good few years since my last comp!


    wey, ok let me know.

    if so ill most probably be there, aslong as i can find it haha never driven there, always a passenger lol

  3. Hold up mate. I've only just got your message. I'm going to call Dave Radley tonight and have a little chat with him. It'll be sorted before tomoz eveningDarren

    does anyone know if i can ride this without a licence? darrens being helping as always and not replying to txt or pm...rob? spode? helppppp
    I believe you can ride out of class without a license. In fact I'm almost certain of it - i spoke to Dave Radley at Thriftwood, and we had this conversation. I just need to be sure tis allDarren
    you need a license..and you need to be a member..ebtc.net (Y)
  4. Neither do I have a license, but I'm going to have a word with the necessary peps. Last time I spoke to them , I could ride out of class. I need to double check it. Either way I'm going along to support my mates, take photo's, massages, etc. Party afterwards and riding are always fun!


    quote name='223_leeson' date='Jul 11 2007, 12:23 PM' post='1306213']

    you on about riding tonbridge after the comp in the evening? i'd be up for coming if it was in the day, as i cant do the comp have no licence.

  5. I personally think that there is no such thing as old skool and new skool. Only a riders specific style. Styles of riding change quickly - Last year was spins, this year is hooks and taps and sidehops, but these styles change so much and so quickly that nothing sits in the past long enough to be called "Old Skool". Elements of each style creep into another style.

    For instance, I try and change and evolve my riding style constanly, so I don't get stuck in one discipline. Elements of Skatepark riding ( Grinds, Fakie's), I use in normal trials riding, and the precision of trials riding I use in skateparks for spins. I change style's and diciplines so much that I have no set style. My friend's Dave and Spode, Tall Rob etc are th same - constantly evolving to stay one step ahead of the set style of trials riding you see in video's nowadays - And I have to stress i don't mean set style in a negative way.


  6. Christ!

    What a long read, but all the same a very interesting one! It's nice to read something different on the forum, and in at least one one it show's people care! But christ didn't it get up some people! Some comments made my jaw drop!

    I agree with the smoking ban. I'm not going to go into reasons as they're the same as have have already been mentioned.

    Political Correctness has gone haywire as has Health and Safety. In my role as a Retail Manager I had to deal with it day in and day out, and stupid rules and regulations that were put in made me giggle to myself! To be honest I think the world should have one big sign saying....

    "You live at your own risk" (If you don't you'll get sued!!)

    England is going the way of America - Sue happy. The stories I've heard scare me!

    God on you mate for putting the rant up. It was a really interesting read, and it does bring out people's views and predujicies. I admire anyone who stands up for what they believe in.


  7. Dude;

    Pick a day - Canterbury rocks for riding - U need to know where your going though :)

    I'm def up for riding there, and I know most of the places here- Good riding here

    I'll try and get Spode etc along

    Besides I owe you a massage!



    Basically, my sisters moving into her 2nd year of uni house thingy, and thursday i'm going there to help her out with my nan, sunday i will tag a long with my mum, so, anyone wanna ride in the canterbury area? I'm quite shit so it would be good to go to the place with the lowest walls n stuff, maybe herne bay, but i'm no good on rocks, so like, somewhere near canterbury or in canterbury.

  8. Rob;

    You kept that very quiet mate! Didn't even know you were getting one!

    What's happening to the KOT?


    Might have to change the colour of the bars to silver and sort out a better bash but other than that i'm very happy. Liking the BB height, should be great for comps and the spins.......oh, 720, here i come.

    I like very much...



  9. Well mine is not so much of a weakness but a personal preference. I try to steer away from straight big taps and sidehops into tech moves. So for instance, a 360 Degrees static spin into a sidehop, down to a pedal stall, then 180 off. Trying to find my own style and way of riding. Also as im getting older, im more wearious about injurying myself, so I tend to tone down the big stuff


  10. I'm from whack bang in the middle of Kent, and I can honestly say in the 12 years of Trails Riding, I have never had any major problems. Where I live is an oldy oldy town ( Tenterden), where the changing of a local milkman is BIG news. It's a great riding town btw!! Don't let it fool you! I travel a lot round Kent and London, riding various locations, and have never had any real problems. Placed like Chatham, Isle of Sheppy, Hastings - These places have a reputation of being awful, and I'll go riding there late at night, and never any problems. If any kid or adult says a sarcy remark I ignore it and walk the other way - Not through fear, but common sense. I'd much rather walk away in tact and look a coward than confront and end up on the floor. As a person, I'm not confrontational ( Being a Retail Manager, god know's how I get away with not being!) . The same can be said if I'm out pubbing or clubbing. If I see or sense trouble, i walk away. 9/10 you can't even reason with these people, so there's not point getting involved at the end of the day.


  11. Hi Guy's;

    After a recent ankle, I feel strong enough to come up to big old London for a ride. I will hopefully be bringing a newbie up to ride. Just wondered if anyone else wanted to come along?

    Chai/Nick M/Staples/Adam? etc

    Be good to see people if so.

    I was thinking meeting early afternoon at Shell? Say 4pm?



  12. Look up www.thinkbikes.com, and you'll see

    Come to think of it, I've prob ridden with you on a London Ride!

    Now I'm going to ride you!!

    He he

    Darren LEE Hill

    OHH YES! Darren, get your hands lubed up, and my back is very hairy!


    I know it says otherwise, but yeah.

    Who is Darren Lee Hill anyway?

  13. Maybe the question needs some hints......

    Scottish Accent is the 1st recommended by my lover

    2nd clue involves a game we used to play in school - Kiss .....

    3rd involves a relative....

    4th is look at the pic and say what you see!!


    I know what the answer is................................

    You need a Scottish accent.... :- (hint, hint)

  14. I was actually going to put a post on about poss riding in Southampton, but Pompy would be a good change. I won't be free till the afternoon I'm afraidf. Could met you at the station at 3 ish?



    seeing as the rain kept us all from riding, who's up for riding either of these locations, up to you, you chose.

    names below

  15. Even if we have to go to the skatepark.

    That's a bit of a harsh tone mate about Skateparks!!!

    Never did me any harm (Has made me better in fact!) In fact i think any rider who can bring in another discipline into trials gets a pat on the back from me!!

    Anyway, that's another story not be talked about here!!

    It's a shame I can't make it - Maybe one evening ride next week?


  16. Hi Guy's;

    I need your help. As above says i'm looking for the name of a song from the film Collateral. The song is in the Club, where Tom Cruise takes out the Chinese Witness whilst the FBI are trying to protect him, and then shoots Detective Fanning on the way out. It's just a song I really like and am after.

    Any help would be great.



  17. Thanks, and that's alright with me, I'm NEVER gonna set the trials world on fire, but I love riding my bike all the same!

    That last bit of the sentence sums up trials riding for me :)

    No matter how old/young/fat/thin, it's all about fun

    Keep up the riding mate.

    I'm 26 today, and no where near stopping!!!



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