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Posts posted by hill_393

  1. Hi Guys;

    Now that I'm back on a trials bike, I'm keen to get up to visit my old riding haunts, Lincoln being one of them....

    I'm thinking either of the above days, but I would prefer Sat. Looking to get up aropund 12-1ish and ride afternoon into the evening.

    Andy from Essex is coming, and I've called Tall Rob and am awaiting a reply. Hopefully he will come.

    I'm hoping to hook up with a few local riders ( Par - This is is you mate ), so get in touch. The more the merrier!!!

    Who's coming?


  2. QUOTE (spode@thinkbikes @ Nov 14 2008, 11:19 AM) *

    Woah, woah, woah. Ok, for arguments sake let's say I come out and my knee is no better... thinkbikes.com is here to stay, and so am I smile.gif

    I don't know if I should be happy, sad, angry, overjoyed, sexually excited......

    I still think my knee surgery will still be more gruesome than yours........

    Much Love

    Terry Tibbs

  3. Indeed you don't need to no, but I can't be seen to condoning rule breaking here!!!

    I park near the Foresty Office personally!! Lol

    QUOTE (hugh_b @ Oct 26 2008, 08:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I'll possibly be able to make this with a few mates, believe me you don't have to pay the £7.50 to get in if you know where to park like so many do ;) Some good singletrack and northshore in there though. I'll let you know!

  4. Hi Guy's;

    This is not a trials specific ride, but an invite to come ride the 14km singletrck loop at Bedgebury Forest, Kent. Thought those of you who have an XC bike might be interested.......

    The loop is technicaly challenging, uphill,downhill,tight singletracks, and more than anything it's a good laugh. To add a little sprinkling to thecake, at the end of the loop are a few north shore sections,and a reasonable dual course.

    http://www.forestry.gov.uk/forestry/infd-6ljhu5 - Have a look

    Entry is £7.50 for the car park, but in my opinion if you have never been, it's a good laugh

    I know it's a bit in advance, but I wanted to guage interest........

    Darren ( One Knee ) Hill

  5. In my opinion, I think this is the best trialsvideo I have ever seen!

    The creativity and flowiness of it means that it never gets boring, it's inspiring and for the promotion of the sport, it's second to none. I'm against the hoppity hoppity tape measure of video,and this I think is a breath of fresh air for the sport. Closest I've seen to this style are Tim Pratt and Danny Macaskill.

    Let's hope to see some more......


  6. Hello Good Sir;

    Funnily enough, I've been talking about this to Tall Rob abd Spode. I've been planning a trip aboard. I won't be riding due to my knee injury a few months back. However I want to come along and take photo's. Rob and I were talking bout over a weekend in Paris, however this has caught my eye as I was planning a driving holiday. I know 3 who would love to come, and combining it with Koxx days sounds a smash. When for certain were you planning on going? How would accomodation work? And also Mr Benji Swales, I did promise to come down and see you.....


  7. Hi guy's;

    For those of you who can remember, 4 months ago nearly to the day, I had my knee injury. Quick sum up was a bad landing off a 2 foot ank caused me to dislocate my left knee, and then fall on it, causing the shin bone to be forced upwards in front of my femur. Result was I severed EVERY ligament holding my knee together, making the only think holding my leg together was skin!!! Had to undergo a major op to have my PCL and ACL Ligaments replaced with Synthetic ones. Found out I was immune to Morphine as well!!! Oh the fun! Cutting a long story shory, i was in hospital for 2 weeks, in a solid leg cast for 1 week, and then a hinged one for a further 5 weeks. I was walking unaided in around 2.5 months, and now 4 months on, I'm walking normally, albei it with a swollen knee still and a limp! Si the Phyio said i should be on a bike soon enough and he was right..... Sort of the point of this post....

    Not being able to ride a bike was a killer to begin with, but it gave me a new focus in life. Started to save a lot of money, looking for a flat, as well as getting a fantastic job with Honda. I made sure I stayed in the trials scene, and often came along to help photo a few big rides ( London and Hook Woods). Despite a few instances of Spode and Tall Rob both riding into and over my leg, I'm really happy with my progress. Spoke to my doc a few weeks ago, and it looks as though my Cruciate Ligament Replacement Op will be around next March / April, so everythings good.

    I decided the only way I'm going to be able to stay interested in riding is to ride, so I've just bought myself a Felt RXC20 Xc Bike, and picking it up next week. I can't tell you how excited I am about it. I'm still a good year or so away from riding trials, but at least i'll be on a bike. Tall Rob's just bought one, as has Spode, so many XC rides will be starting. Anyone want to join us????

    Thank you to everyone who's supported me, I really appreciate it.


  8. I feel bad for laughing, but i think it was Ad's comments about "For the Love of Jesus" that got me going...

    And laughter is always the best medicine for an accident!

    I remember when I broke my leg, and I'm lying face down with my foot pointing upwards, I couldn't stop laughing!!!


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