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Everything posted by Kerrie-Anne

  1. 1)Boys 2)Lack of money 3)Lack of Jobs for my age 4)Parents 5)So called Friends 6)Arguments 7)Songs that you really like but make you cry 8)Crying in general 9)Being ill 10)being a girl! 11)How much i worry. 12)People that start fights for no reason 13)Chavs 14)Bitchy chavy girls at school 15)People who judge you without knowing you. 16)People who call you names, even if they are joking 17)Jokes i don't get 18)People thinking im really dumb as i get confused easy am a girl and am kinda blonde. Lots of other things, but my list is already huge! Kerrie.
  2. I got one :o They are very purdy! It will live on my wrist for ever now. lol! Kerrie.
  3. Got myself one yesterday, Looks fabby :o Thanks :o Kerrie. x
  4. Kerrie-Anne


    I don't mind random trials people adding me.. Why don't you take your email addy out? Or put a preference that you wouldn't like random people to add you.. Kerrie :) X
  5. Just got home, today was great :) got a bit cold and wet, but it was really good. Thanks Sue Charlie and everyone who helped organise it! Was a fun day :) Kerrie. xxx
  6. Exactly! Be careful, your mad! :) :lol: Kerrie. x
  7. Well done! Know how long you wanted to do that!! Glad you managed it, Hope your ok, looked a bit painful at the end!:) I won't ever have the guts to do that :"> Kerrie. xxxXxxx
  8. Says the person who insults people for no reason, has no sense of humour and posts shit threads such as this. I agree with the others, you are a perv, this is wrong. Kerrie.
  9. Eww! Jay! thats disgusting! the first one was funny! But ewww! :huh:
  10. Why?! Whats the point? I'm not posting one of mine, though shes gorgeous :huh: But isn't this a bit wrong to say the least? Kerrie. x
  11. Thats me :huh: Its after a day with friends, messing about taking photos, so its me looking stupid (Y)
  12. LOL!!!! :) Yeah, i stalk you :huh: hehe...... I stalk many many people! and they will never ever know. hehe. (Y) Kerrie.
  13. Hey Alex, got my details too:) see you soon. Kerrie. xXx.
  14. oh my god, gutted, macy gray is up for eviction! Already! gutted! :turned: Kerrie.
  15. Saskia= So so so very cool! Anthony= Show off derek= Seems ok. Kemal=GAY! i hate him already. macy gray= she seems ok. science= He has a cool name! But seems a bit dumb mary= SCARY MARY! I can't think of the rest thats just first comments. :turned: Kerrie. x
  16. Hi Charlie, will you have any at the Abingdon ride? Or should i give my form to sam at school? Thanks. :) Kerrie. xxx
  17. LOL! this is great!! >Intellibuddy: Hi there Kerrie . (Get them to say your name, its great to see how they pronounce it!) >You: Whats your name? >Intellibuddy: My name is Star. >Intellibuddy: My gender is neutral. Hehe! They are so cool! Wow, mine calls me Kerrie now instead of User! Go me :turned: Kerrie. xXx
  18. i have to say, Im a BB addict :turned: can't wait for it to start yayay! Kerrie
  19. Yeah, its BOILING here (Y) been having water fights hehe, and teachers are really laid back, been a great day!! Kerrie.
  20. NOOOOOOO! don't cut it!! I think its lovely and think that you should keep it! Kerrie. (Y) XXX
  21. We all know what sex is, what it does, and what it can cause, so it doesn't matter about sex ed To be honest, i have had About 2 sex ed classes and we get a whole sex ed day at the end of this term, (6 weeks time) Your parents give you 'the talk' anyway, or they should. You can't really blame anyone, except the girls and the parents. and Nadine, i agree, the thought of something growing inside me makes me cringe! I want to make my own life before bringing another into the world. Kerrie.
  22. Lol, it said name two members of the opposite sex! :P Yeah, mine was going well.. untill the song choices, have done it loads befor and it worked, its quiet scary! Kerrie. xXx
  23. I wouldn't say that, but some of these people are on benefits because they are damn right lazy and cannot be bothered to get a job, My friends dad said he wouldn't get a job because he wouldn't get as much as he does on benefits! The government have said that if the people who are on benefits get jobs that they will top up their pay so they get the same amount as they did on benfits, yet they are still too Damn lazy to get off their arses and do some work! i know some people want a job but can't and i know people who want money but don't want to work, the government have said they will top up their pay, so whats the excuse?! Kerrie. Edit: I'm not having a dig at you btw Dave, but the system and lazy arses out there. sorry! x
  24. '' how about evil?'' ''mu ha ha ha ha!'' haha, that was great! :)
  25. This is absoulty Disgusting! I cannot see how they get away with it, It is illegal to have sex under the age of 16 anyway, so instead of getting a benefit sentence they should get a prison sentence. The boys get blamed but to be honest it is Just as much the girls faults, if not more! Things like this make me feel sick, I could go out, get pregnant, have a baby, Not get in trouble and get money for it! (Not that my mum would actually let me live!) But argh, Disgraceful. People also blame the parents, but the parents can't be there with the children (Thats all they are, Children!) 24/7 to make sure they don't do anything they shouldn't be doing, maybe they could teach them better but i think you can only blame the girls. I can't beleive that people are still having so much unprotected sex anyway, what with all the STI's going round, AND the risk of pregnancy at such a young age.... Rant over. :"> Kerrie.
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