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Posts posted by poopipe

  1. In fact it's set at the rate of inflation so effectively it's interest-free. I've already got about £15k debt and I'm not finished yet (A friend of mine has £38k :S ). Oh well, I don't care :D

    I've payed back 15% more than I borrowed and I've still got another 25% to go - which is nice.

    Ive decided sensible is the right option.

    That £1000 is £1000 of loan you don't have to take out and then pay back - that equates to about ten months saved on standard loan payments if you're earning between 25 and 35k a year (not including the extra interest you'd incur).

    £100 less going out a month makes a big difference when you're paying rent and bills after uni - maybe it's worth holding using the cash for sensible stuff and borrowing less?

  2. I don't really agree with that. I find that as a student, the amount you spend is proportional to how much you have. By that I mean that if you have money, it will disappear anyway, whether you're trying to spend it or not. If I had an extra £1000 in my account, it would slowly disappear over the year on CDs/clothes/beer/bike bits. Whereas if I just went out and spent £1000, I might have something to show for it. Carpe Diem I say :D

    How can I possibly agree with both you and steve?

    can I call him a retard with impunity?

    edit: mostly joking btw.

  3. What to do with £1000?

    You don't have to spend it all to treat yourself! Being serious, why not spend a couple of hundred but only if you promise yourself you're going to try to hang onto the rest and get the best value out of it. Why not start something really positive like a getting a saving habit going? 10% of your usual income is a great idea, as suggested by Alvin Hall (!) Worth posting a photo of him to inspire you :)


    It's not to be underestimated the positive effect having a nice money buffer in the bank will bring to you. Not that I know anything about that will so many mouths to feed! Before then when we were looking to buy a house, it was quite cool to see the savings gradually build up.

    Also, by starting a habit of putting money away you'll make you're own luck in life. It'll give you the advantage over those who spend their money instantly, more options for the future!


    look - common sense ^^

    I still say you should give it to me

  4. motorola are wankers so you'll have to either pay for the special cable and software (unless it came in the box with the phone) or get the bluetooth dongle thing

    I suggest bluetooth since it'll be cheaper and work properly (not had good experiences with motorola)

  5. well done mate,


    not everyone keeps a straight head in that sort of situation so you ought to be properly proud of yourself.

    not much more I can say. just keep your head on straight for the next few weeks-doesn't sound like anybody couldve done anything more.

  6. GIMP can't do everything photoshop can - its not bad though

    parallells/bootcamp are not going to make anything cheaper - you buy your mac for twice as much as the equivalent pc, get bootcamp, then pay out hundreds of quid for vista in order to run apps you can't get on a mac - genius.

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