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Posts posted by nb88

  1. Tranz-x made a seat that had a 5 sided allen key tool that came with the skewers, came with both wheels and seat clamp skewers and cost around £7.00 new for the whole set.

    I bought some off ebay for my mate for christmas for £3 with like £2 shipping.

    Ebay all the way!

    bidding on some allen key ones on ebay, cheap as chips (Y):)

  2. Found some now, some allen key skewers which i think will do, as someone could steal practically any part on the bike if they have an allen key anyway... i also found some Pitlock security skewers which have a key, but theyre around £40 a set.

  3. I'm looking for some of those quick releases that lock (as in, you need a key to take the wheel out), as ive bought a bike for riding to uni campus on and itll just be extra safety, anyone know where i can get them? For my wheels and seat post

  4. I use AVG Free, im happy with it, but maybe Nod32 is better, i just want the least resource hungry program i can get. AVG free uses less than norton, mcafee etc (because theyre terrible)

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