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Posts posted by nb88

  1. maybe thats the point of the coursework for you to realise maple isn't capable of finding all of them like you want. Same as a calculator, it only gives you positive tan values etc etc when there are -ve as well. Same as square root on a calculator

    It says on my cwk sheet: 'If it does not give all the roots, check the Help to see how to find them'. Looked through help for hours...not found anything... Done everything else pretty much now and done all the descriptions, just this thats bugging me.

  2. i should be able to sort you out with a copy when my housemate gets back as he has it. Add me on msn


    either that or i can point you to a direct download link ;)

    I've got it i just need help with it :P

  3. Basically, got a piece of coursework and its all going well apart from this one problem:

    I plotted a graph,

    (a x^2-b x-c) (e)^((-1/5 dx))

    and used (y(x) = (a x^2-b x-c) (e)^((-1/5 dx)) to define it as y(x)

    i now have to find the roots (points at which x = 0). I can see 2 on the range of my graph, but when i use fsolve to try and find them, it only gives me 1 value:

    > fsolve(y(x) = 0, x)


    I dont understand why it doesnt give me both? I've only used maple in 1 lecture so i dont know what im supposed to type to find both roots... im sure itd be the same on all the maple versions...

    coursework is due tomorrow :ermm:

  4. what size is it? Ive got the small one which i upgraded so i could ride the hardtail class in our local DH series this year (which they then scrapped the class due to lack of entries) but the geometry is awesome. The most chuckable bike i've ever ridden & so stable aswell. definately a good buy (Y)

    its a medium (Y) nice length i reckon, went for a lil ride at my local skatepark yesterday, im rubbish! but its such good fun on that bike :) can throw it around really easy

  5. Doom 3

    Quake 3 & 4

    Far Cry

    Pariah (own map editor for playing on)

    Counter Strike

    Half life 2 Assualt

    Dawn of War

    Unreal tournament 2004

    F.E.A.R. (not so good for lan play, others in this least beat the pants off it)

    Need For Speed: Most Wanted

    Aliens Vs Predator 2

    well their the ones i have anyway, there may be more

    cheers :D ive got doom 3 somewhere, ill have to get the quakes and far cry...counter strike i have, but no house mates do (dont wanna spend any money)....and need for speed most wanted would be awesome, will get that (Y):)

  6. [attachmentid=8125]


    what do you think?

    giant acid frame,

    marzocchi DJ 3 forks,

    hope hubs,

    funn stem,

    amoeba bars,

    halo sas rims,

    husselfelt cranks,

    hope mono front brake,

    hope m4 rear brake,

    dmr V8 pedals,

    lock on grips...

    what do you think? all works fine with no problems so far, now to start dirt jumping for the winter.. :D anyone think of anything i should change? (maybe handlebars?). this is my first DJ bike so i have no idea what bits are good.




  7. i fancy buying one (Y) just because its so different to the xbox 360/ps3. for all the 'serious' and normal console games, you can just buy a pc and some xbox 360 usb controllers....but no pc can match the nintendo wii as its just so unique, i think it looks awesome (Y)

  8. While we're on the subject, can you not play nfsc over lan?! i cant find it...

    You'll get a refund if you say something stupid like u bought it for ur mates birthday but he already has it, and just argue till you get your way (Y)

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