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Posts posted by guineasmithpig

  1. errrrrrrm, don't steel ones bend? alu ones just snap! broke a dmr mech hanger with ma hands once. bag o w@nk....

    anywyas, them new dmr tensioners look a bit pants. i made an unsprung tensioner a while back, and everytime i even knocked it, u have to reset it. sprung ones realign em selves (Y) much better. anyways, mechs all the way!! for now. y no1 done a better horizontal dropout on trials frames? if it works on mods, surely it can't be anymore difficult to do ones for stock? though i guess they gotta supply the majority....


  2. i'm runnin a 2.35 nevegal stick-E on the rear. tis bout the same weight as my old minion rear. not really had chance to test it properly, as my rear brake is bein proper gay :ermm: did give it a hammerin touch hoppin onto some waxed scaffold poles, and it coped pretty good!! not really noticed any disadvantage of the smaller carcass, and spinnin on the rear wheel is made more difficult, even at higher pressures. the compound has a really slow rebound (?), usin the old 'twist a knobble' test. takes a good 10secs to return to shape, if at all:p wear rate seems ok, though agen, not 'used' them much. oh, and they are pretty inexpesive to boot!

    BETD/Goldtec (Midlands) sell them - 01782 629462. They got their own onsite shop now, and everyone there is really cool and friendly. tell em smithy sent you!

    gaggin for ma replacement forks! can't wait to get out and try em in the warm weather!


  3. hey guys

    just need to know the size of seatpost for ma giant, if anyone knows off hand. tried searchin, put not found out yet.

    also, if anyone knows what size front mech would go on, that would be cool! tis to be a little street/park beast, with double ring up front


  4. i'm still using the same hose and claipers i bought.......... errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm.......... 6 years ago? i've never replaced the hose, hence the rear being a little short on ma koxx. weird, i know some people seem to have stuff break really randomly:S quite scary really. my first hope ratchet ring (XC hub) lasted 20 months before the teeth started breakin off! a friend of mine snapped the ring in under 3!?

    ah well. same as, i got brand new ronnie rim, run a nice grind over it, new rimjam pads don't even squeak on it. just make that horrible ffffffffffftttt noise. no bite or hold wotsoever. don't know what the solution is (don't have facilities to do another grind meself)

    ah well:S

    must be one of them things. for some unfathomable reason, somethings just don't work, or break for no reason!


  5. almost as sexy as u hazzy


    thinkin the pink brake mounts n pedals look bit wank. u gay or somthin? dunno what the F@cks goin on with all this pink crap. everyone gettin bent? bummers.....


  6. stem is what used to be branded as FSAs Diamond stem. old skool, superb stems the old FSAs. and they cost sod all nowadays!! i run an I-Beam, with 4 bolt bar clamp. cost bout £9 in halfords clearout! only retail at about £14 though :P

    good choice sonny! bike looks sweet too


  7. having stripped my maggies down, and washed all the cylinders out, wanna clean the outsides. will blastin a bit o muc off over em chew the seals up? will seal the holes with screws, but thinkin about cleanin the faces o the caliper cylinders, as thats were the most crap build up is.



  8. big up dudes!

    my forks snapped through the middl of the left leg. well random! obviously due to disc forces, but local dealer said they shouldn't break there, and fair play to cannondale europe, they're gonna do me a warranty set (fingers crossed) if i can sort out a proof of purchase. and the lbs i bought em from say they'll reprint a receipt if i can get a bank statement to prove payment (2years ago). so carefully coaxin ma uncle to get a bank statement sorted, as they were bought for ma cousin, who got rid of em after bout 2 months. fool.

    anyways, thank you cannandale! just hope hazzy gets his finger out for that bank statement!!!


  9. anyone know if the forks that came with the ashton replica frameset are any good? got a m8 with some spare, but supposedly, they're like the fattys, but lighter? :unsure: which usually means a bit weaker?


  10. hey

    my fattys have split nearly all the way around the left leg, bout 1inch above the disc tab. seems to have developed from the breather hole (the one drilled in the legs to help em relieve pressure due to welding heat?) looks as though its developed frokm a crack though, as there was some dark patches (dirt) within the crack. either that or its a material flaw.

    anyways, is there anyone worth speakin to about warranty, or is it pointless? they were bought from team autovogue about 2 xmas's ago, but their site doesn't seem to be online anymore? not really heard of many fattys breakin, so kinda unfamiliar territory for me

    unhappily urs :unsure:


  11. BMX chain + road mech = pain in the arse!

    it shall work, just gimme time. and unsuprisingly, the outers weren't quite stiff enough to work well with ma disc! ah well, look super-pimp run down to the mech. will leave it singlespeed til i get time to modify my mech


  12. gallery_551_521_150.jpg

    incase u can't tell, thats pink cable outers (near identical shade to ma frame), a gear cable, and a non-indexing thumb shifter. three speed, here we come! all for the handsome sum of £2.93 :lol:

    sorry, cudn't resist. saw the pink at the back of a rack full of odd coloured cables. proper faded packagin. must o bin there for years!

    will post pics when all fitted n running. gonna muc-off ma chain while i'm at it too. pics 2nite or tomorrow



  13. famous smithy? someone's stolen me name!!!!!!! :sick:

    anyways, u guys should get ur big gay bumholes down to oxford. i need to learn to ride agen. bin busy with work and WHAT THE FUDGE has been goin on with the weather lately!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    anyways, whatever u do, have a gud un! luv u guys!


  14. i've broke 2 9or was it 3?) axles in the +2years i've had my xc. now i have a solid steel axle (EN24T). just little holes in either end for bolts and custom end caps. hopefully won't snap again:p the sodding thing weighs 148g! (over 3 times the weight of standard alloy ones)

    it ain't all that hard to bust em, cuz u get sooooooo much flex in the area where this guys axle has snapped, and all of mine have gone in the same place. the freehub shell has so little support, it sorta just wobbles about under hefty load, bending the axle about with it. then one heavy drop and SNAP! but hope have always been really good. they also replaced all the internals , leaving only the hub shell and end caps original from when i bought the hub. :blink:

    so call hope, ask what they advise. probably just tell u to send it back. in which case, just send back the wheel (ie. minus tyre and tube) to save weight on postage, and ask them to quote you any expenses before work is carried out. they'll probably do it for free (or minimal charge) and send it back to you free.


  15. a mate who had a borther who had a unckle

    surely thats just the mate's uncle? nice spelling!

    anyways, not used XTRs (wish i had the money, lucky devil) but they look pimp, and i'm sure they'd be strong enough. mr beast himself, jeff lenosky used to use em, n he bent them 3 piece jobbies in evolve/contact!

    go get em cowboy!


  16. tried new pads in the dry for bout 1.5 hours

    given up because brake bite and lock was dangerously SHIT!!!!!!!

    thinkin it might have more to do with the grind than the pads yet

    i rubbed across a smooth rim, and it was like they were stuck to it :turned:

    though i don't seem to think i can smooth my ronnie out after a grind.

    will regrind and report back


    ps, major respect for rimjam quality of service!!!! had a bit of an arse-ache with paypal, but wally kept my upto date with emails from the off. good laaaaad

  17. good effort! riding and video. good to see people making the effort to make the trials community even more accessible. just wish i'd remembered to bring my camera to uni (Y) wanna make meself a video. though it needs to stop raining/snowing/pissing me off outside first

    big slap on the back!


  18. haha. not that much snow i guess:p i would just go ride in the rain, if it weren't for the 20 minute ride into town. plus i keep my bike in ma bedroom, which is a bit mingin when its dripping wet and all muddy. ah well....


  19. so its been nice outside all day, if a little cold. but i've been a good boy and finished my maths coursework before going out on the bike. so i've just finished fitting my new rimjam pads, and setting the old maggie up for optimum performance. no sooner had i closed the tool box, the heavens opened, n now its pissing down with rain!


    what a piss take! now i can't ride tonight as it looks like its here to stay, and i'm working tomorrow and monday til 6pm. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. will be lucky if i can get an hour or two after work tomorrow, but thats about it for daytime riding ths week.

    does the UK weather have something against us trials riders or what? i dunno about u guys, but this has happened to me on many many occasions during my years of riding trials. watching videos, getting all psyched up for a big ride, and then it starts raining as we're opening the garage door to get our bikes out.

    this is why i want an xc bike as soon as possible. i'd just go out in the pouring rain across the hills, just to be able to get out of the flat. ah well, might as well start building wheels for my giant trials bike (which will be for sale very soon to fund an xc bike! keep em peeled!)

    disappointingly miserable


  20. anyone know if they're available? i'm sure i've seen em fitted to stuff like pace forks aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages ago. just wondered if anyone knew if i could still get hold of one? other than that, gonna have to make a tab and weld it on (its for a 24in cruiser i should be gettin) but unsure of how accurate it'll b (Y)

    cheers in advance (though not expectin much result (Y))


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