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Posts posted by guineasmithpig

  1. what the......... :(

    y r some people just blessed with the ability to hope beyond what appears physically possible? or are they just mega beasts or somthin? like tunni, cls, and this fool.. it just seems effortless, yet they just float about amile after gappin from a rail. makes me wanna quit more than go out and ride harder. bastards :@

    wait til i get a vid done. i'll show em!!!! (maybe :"> )

    top dollar. hurry up with the full vid!!!


  2. just seen this. pisser. but funnily enough, yesterday, i was at home searchin through old hi-8 (that right?) tapes on the parents video camera, n found some footage of an old guy literlly punchin ma m8 FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON WHATSOEVER!!!

    we were on the car park outside mecca bingo, doin a wall to rail gap, and a police van rolls up and asks us to move on. so we said ok, and pondered where to go next. next thing, old fuddy duddy in a fiesta swings into the car park n nearly knocks me off ma bike! i dismissed it as retarded driving abilities. but turned round to find him goin at ma m8! he'd got out the car and said 'i want a word with u'. so my friend goes over and asks what the matter is, n the old dude said 'you better fu@k off now!'. salty, quite startled, replies that we were movin on anyway, but this guy just goes for him sayin 'don't think i'm serious? just because i'm old?' grabs his handlebars n starts layin into him!! i went over and told him to stop it, being as polite as possible because he was goin a bit nuts, and he did the same to me. i got a smack in the face for my troubles. ma girlfriend then explains that she caught the majority of it on camera and it was definite assault, so he grabbed her arm, leavin big red marks and bruising around her wrist.

    so we're like 'sod this lets go!' and old boy whips out a phone and rings the police about us! and honest to god, i know i'm tryin to make us look the innocent party, but we never said anythin disrespectful towards him, not even using any swear words throughout the 'ordeal':( so we're thinkin 'this should be funny' and waited around til the police arrived.

    when they turned up, we got hold of em before they spoke to him, explained what had happened and showed em the video. then sat back and pissed ourselves laughin as this old dude gets the biggest attitude adjustment speech i have ever heard! then the police ask if we want to file for assault, and we declined, because really, we were all right (apart from my gf's bruisin). but we explained that if we'd acted in 'self-defence' n smacked him back, it's be front page news in the local paper.

    anyways, i think if this sorta thing happened n it were some guy maybe 30 or 40, i'd definitely be swingin fists of fury! i'd probably get my head kicked in, but fu@k it. u gotta fight (der der) for ur right........ to ride trials, innit! *cough* chav *cough*

    anyways, if that had bin me in the vid, i wud u just stood up n whopped me dangler out at em. then if they layed into me, i'd o claimed violent gang rape n compensation for psychological and physical trauma :P



  3. QUOTE(guineasmithpig @ Feb 23 2005, 08:19 PM)

    fluid all the way...........  down ur forks


    Yeah, but when they are right, they last for ages. Feel better aswell.

    when they're right? so what happens when u smack it on somthin? it ain't right then!

  4. fluid all the way........... down ur forks and into the caliper when the lever pops/gets broken. or maybe that was just me :ermm: i went for cable disc, simply cus i hate hydraulics when they go wrong! 203mm avids all the way!


  5. they look very ungrippy in the wet. wonder how long it'd take to blunt or snap the teeth off too? i'm lookin at atomlab trail king or aircorps. if i can't get em cheap, big beasty shindigs it is!!! give em death!


    ps. anyone ever used them clear bulletproof plastic pedals? saw some in my lbs, but never heard any long term reviews?

  6. have run a 2.5 minion 2ply for over 8 months now. major thumbs up!!! :ermm:

    only probs is, it struggles in the wet now, but mainly because its pretty much a slick :- new one on order soon

    just bought a kenda nevegal (steel bead). dunno y! ne1 used em? weighed it at a little over 1200g, so might be too heavy for the front. gonna stick it on the back. will report back soon:p

    but yeah, will probs be goin for 2.5 minion 2ply/rear 2.35 high roller 1ply front setup in the near future. can't go wrong with maxxis (though hutchinsons are lighter..................)


  7. dunno if this counts, but i run an old rear rim (40mm) on the front. tis awesome!! well up for wide front rims now. nice big tyre (2.35) gives loadsa grip and room for some serious front wheel landings (gaps, ups, roll outs, etc.)

    DO IT!!!!!!!!


  8. i went from 521 to a dx32 simply for more stability, as far as tyre fold n stuff goes. dunno bout the strength issues. never had any probs with my onza full fat (dx32) which was eyeletted n undrilled. and i'd mullered plenty o 521s before that. also now running a 40mm koxx/tryall old style rear rim on the front with a 2.35 tyre. tis the bomb. extra bit o weight, but no worries about front wheel moves :rolleyes: grip and protection give me far more confidence than me old 519


  9. to be honest, i'd rather just bounce back up and try it agen!!

    anyways, can't imagine life without mobility, or even just ability! can't really answer this question, as i don't know if i could cope with whatever situation were given to me. not even gonna try writing anymore, too much for ma little brain to think about :)

    anyways, ride safe


  10. inserting a helicoil will be a billion (approx) times stronger than normal M5 threads in aluminium frames. they are made of steel (stainless?) and have a very sharp and deep outside thread to anchor them into the material, and are far harder than alloys used in (the majority of) bike frames. can't really see anyway u could kill the threads ever agen? also, after doin this, try gettin hold of some stainless steel bolts if u ain't got em all ready. u'll b able to hang off the allen key n get em PROPER tight :D


  11. have used the search n found a v short topic on e&l insurance. £114 is cheaper than endsleigh (£195 for upto £1500 value, requiring approved locks (£80+) and datatagging (£50))

    is this best offer anyone can get? tis a lot. also, anyone utilised the fact that (realisticly) your bike should be cover by home contents, even if ur away from home riding it? my m8s insurance company sed they don't expect bikes to be at home all the time, so, as long as it weren't nicked because he left it outside unlocked or somthin daft, it'd still be covered. only benefit of seperate insurance, is u can get 'accidental' damage cover. might come in handy. but does it bump up ur premium if u make a claim?


  12. saw MBR in the paper shop before goin on my rounds (aged 13). cyclin 'properly' looked like fun, so saved up for a 'proper' mountain bike. almost bought an apollo for bout £150 :) , but ended savin up a bit more n gettin a gary fisher wahoo (Y) . that went on for bout 18months, gradually gettin into dirt jumpin, whilst savin for another bike. and so it came, my custom build; easton elite frame, Z2 atoms, esp carbon fibre gears, magura hs33s, 521cds, the works. worth bout £1600, took me over a year of paper rounds to build. stuffed it off a drop in 6 weeks later and bent the frame and forks (Y)

    insurance paid up, got a cr stinger with z1s, ripped up the trails for a bit. got into street. broke the stinger, broke the replacement stinger evo. got a dmr sidekick on warranty (after some hassle. somthin about 'abusin bikes' :D" ?) and that were my first trials bike, a good 2.5years ago.

    worst decision o my life, takin up trials :P wish i'd done somthin cheaper, n less painful. like crashin bmw's into lamposts at very high speeds. yeah, that'd do it.....

    auto trader, here i come!


  13. hi guys

    was a cool ride!!

    was just wonderin if anyone had got any pics of me (smithy, pink koxx)? if so, cud they be sent via msn or obtained in otherways? tryin to build up a bit of a collection. think there's possibly a fair few from the ride of other people that would be good enough to share with world!! john shrewsbury and sam wheeler, amongst many, were givin it some. and johnny, u got plans for all the footage? if so, what?


  14. them new mono trials is nice n powerful. ain't tried ma mates, but front wheel moves looked effortless :)

    i personally went for the avid though. simply because the performance is flawless, but also, don't have to worry about fluids, bleeding, leaks, etc. ideal for me at uni, because limited to tools, so can maintain ma brake with a 5mm allen key and a pair o sidecutters :P

    try to have a ride on a couple of each, see what u think. hydraulics do feel different. ma m8 thinks my avid is mushy, but i don't notice it because once ur used to the brake u don't even pull the lever hard, because u don't need to. he has a mono m4, which is totally on/off, but i think it feels kinda wooden.

    anyways, my vote goes to avids for more than just performance reasons. but try a few before shellin out the cash.


  15. i were gonna say pace carbon fibre hubs:p. u can probs get carbon fibre bmx rear hubs somewhere. be the racing ones, but nothin a custom axle wudn't cure (if it needed one:p)

    i'll be gettin ma old ESP 9.0SL carbon fibre shifter and mech on in a couple o weeks. ain't bin used for a good 2 years, n needs some work. but will post when done :P

    again, bars, top cap, forks, hubs, those hayes discs is sposed to be pretty good. do they do em to fit the 9inch DH rotors? that would be bitchin!!! then u got ur frame protectors too.


  16. cool article. another example is people i've ridden with for over 2 years back home (before comin to uni) who don't even know my first name!! haha. suprised me! they only know me as smithy :S tis good how u can just go up to someone on a trials bike and start chattin. if u did that to some randomer in the street, they'd think u were mad!!!

    anyways, only point i don't agree with is about giving chavs the time of day. maybe its personal experience, but they always just want to appear to be one up on u, even though they never seem to have anything useful to do. we see them roaming the streets all night, then they wander over and say the usual 'why ain't u got no seat' or 'why've u got a pink bike'. but never give u any respectful comments. i've had a lot say things like 'you wanna be out gettin pissed, not messin about on bikes'. (try doin both, tis f*ckin messy :))

    leading me on to another point. why do we get pulled for 'criminal damage' and 'endangering the public' amongst other things, when the streets are full of smashed up phone boxes and bus stations, broken bottles and needles? the only explanation i can think of is that the police and local council think that we are the ones causing the major damage, not just a couple o pedal scrapes on a wall.

    ah well, i still think that if trials got too big and commercialised, it wouldn't be as fun. we tried campaigning for a trials park. but just think, unless it was an immensely awesome trials park, with infinite lines, how long would it take u to make every possible line and combination of moves? and then u'd be back on the streets riding benches and walls again. see what i mean? if it were more 'formal' it wouldn't be as much of a laugh, nor a challenge (riding stuff that ain't meant for riding on).

    ah well, i'm enjoying it as it is. even if my bike ain't workin spot on, even if people think pink bikes are gay, even if i'm ridin like ma nan, i can't imagin life without trials. i tried explainin to ma flat mates mum what trials was, and she just didn't get it. can u get anymore individual? is there anything as special? and thats where i think the special 'bond' between trials riders eminates from. we are the only ones who TRULY understand it. and even we can't quite put our finger on it :)



  17. nice one sameer!! was suprised how quick the vid appeared:p

    any chance u cud bundle up any clips of me, zip em up n send to me? my msn addy is in ma profile. tryin to get some decent clips together. tryin to knock a little viddy up

    whos the guy witht the pink frame? i respect him! i used to have a pink frame but got rid of it when i quite street and started trials, the looks i used too get....

    yeah, some dude asked me if i'd bought a 'girls trials bike'. told him i stole it off ma sister. knob ed


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