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Posts posted by Thom

  1. Thanks alot for all the comments, I'm gonna miss this thing but I think a 24" will be much better for me.

    That is a 1085 frame, the booster does look very out of place the only blue thing on the whole bike :S but that was the only colour available. The seat is a bbb its an awsome seat, cheap, light and slim. The post is just some no branded one that came with my first cross country bike i bought. Regarding the v-brakes its excellent , I'm using heatsink white pads with linear slick cables and it has crazy power even without a grind.


  2. I noticed that the 24UK has disk mounts and was wondering what you guys thought on running rear disk on it ? Will the frame hold up and would it be suitable for the sort of riding intended? will probably run a like a 7" disk if I were to use one.

  3. I think I'll keep the bb7 and maybe spend the money on a hope pro 2 instead. Ok so gearing 18:14 and forks....i quite like the look of the F6 and its at a good weight too, what are you guys all running ? (I'm from Aus so I can't get modified pashley's :( ).

    Rims: I've checked out the odyssey and it is indeed quite rare I can only seem to find them in 20" and 36 hole. Also would a DX32 be overkill or something because my 26" one is awsome ? also i was thinking a 24" singletrack for a front rim ?

    Thanks alot for the help so far (Y)

  4. Ok whenever the 24UK is available I most likely will be getting it, so I need to know what parts I should get and what parts I can sell from my pure. Here's the spec I had in mine, feel free to change anything as I'm still new to the whole 24 inch thing.

    Forks: not sure on this one, will be using disk so any suggestions ? was thinking maybe the knifen lite.

    Headset: a pig or something cheap and strong

    Stem: 90mm 15 degree rise. Thompson

    Bars: Azonic (already have)

    Hubs: Hope XC

    Rims: DX32 or Rhyno lite XL ?

    Cranks: Tensile urban legends 18T (already have)

    Brakes: Rear:HS33's....Front: I already have avid BB7 but i want to give hydro a go so was thinking juicy five ? or I can just keep the BB7.

    Gearing: I think I will go singlespeed, right now i'm running 18:15 is that a good gear ? keep in mind that I'm pretty much stuck on 18T front.

    Tyres: Maxxis or Tioga whichever is available

    Seat: BBB (already have)

    That's about it....let me know what you think? Cheers!

  5. My friend just recently bought a KMC chain and he told me that the missing link is not like the connex or sram powerlinks. He told me that once it is locked it is like a normal link and cannot be undone by hand. I just ordered my kool chain and I'm wondering if this is true ? and what is the point of this link ?

  6. I had a moment and it was really fun to ride, very streety like ChrisB has said. bunnyhoped like no tomorrow and it was very flickable. The frame does need a longer fork though to make it ride decent so keep that in mind. If you are going to ride natural and do big power moves etc. than don't get the moment but if you like doing spins, manuals, ryan leech stuff than the moment is sweet for it. I'm actually building up my moment again as a do everything bike.

    here it when i had it setup for trials:

    IPB Image

  7. I prefer V brakes over maggies especially if you have v brake mounts. Easier to setup and if setup right they can be plenty powerful, I mean just look at Felix he goes pretty big using V brakes. Don't get XTR because they have parallel push and all the linkages become loose overtime making the brake feel poo. Same with the avid arch rival. Stick with the 'normal' calipers like SD5, SD7, Deore, New LX, Ultimate. If you have the money than get ultimates because they really are the best. But if not its more important to buy good levers and good housing.

    For pads the Heatsink whites are sweet as. I recommend getting pads with metal backing because they make the brake alot stiffer. The plazmatic's are good too but the heatsink out performs it in the wet and in dusty conditions. Stay away from spanish fly's mine were poor.

    Levers, your on the right track already, XTR is really good and so are XT's, XTR's last longer apparantly. i prefer the feel of shimano levers over the avids because they have a thinner blade. Having said that the avid ultimate lever has a different blade and feels really good too. But I would just get XTR's because they are cheaper.

    Housing, i've never tried nokon but linear slic's are awsome, really makes the brake alot stiffer, I've been using it for about 6 months now and haven't noticed any sponginess.

    Right now I run SD5 calipers, XT lever, linear slic's and Heatsink whites without a grind. The power was much better than my maggie with plazmatic pads and yes I did set them up right. I would run maggies only on 4 bolt mounts.

    Oh and get a booster. hope i helped

  8. what is wrong with self extractors ? I've been running some for a year now (they came with my cranks) and they've been alright. Do they strip easy or something ?

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