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Everything posted by TRA

  1. both me and knut have caelifera prototypes . But Knut was not in this vid, doh:P
  2. i dont really consider myself lucky, apaprt from places seen theres like 1 other place to ride, and thats basically it. Too much have been done and its not much more to do really. But i guess i just might be spoiled with beeing born in Aalesund wheres its loads and loads of natural stuff , but street sucks everywhere though
  3. it was a blast ! some new blood in town so i really fight like riding Its not that big of a distance , its a short car ride . When up on mountain thats a gondol just outside of the city centre .
  4. TRA

    Kenny In Brussel

    whats with the "probably" ? =P anyways, i wonder when kenny is going to push out a new bike from monty .
  5. really like watching dani ride. And that place is where ot pi made a biketrials video with bosco trials gloves. Which is THE film that got me interested in biketrials. So this is one of the places im going to check out before i quite trials ! thats for sure=)
  6. TRA

    Knut Going Massive

    SHould get the feel back on the bike as the summer comes. He have almost never time or anyone to ride with , just like me. So to reach the levels of what is possible with consistent proper training just gets shuffed down a big black hole really What you see is little time on the bike =D
  7. TRA

    Knut Going Massive

    This is a really shitty place, mostly really tiny stuff, and little of it. Also we are 99% away from getting banned from this place because we do biketrials, and not mototrials, even though its nearly ever any people there.
  8. TRA

    The Knut

    knut doesnt have the most control in the world, but like me he is abit out of shape , but thats what were working at . Control or not, knut useally always gets there, thats the most important thing .
  9. TRA

    The Knut

    howdy . I dont beleive these 2 videos have been posted here . Therefor i post . Not that amazing, not that shit either. - TRA & Knut trims of christmas fat - a knut ride
  10. This video not available in your region" . dooh =P
  11. TRA

    Tra Slowly

    wud luv it . you pay ?
  12. TRA

    Tra Slowly

    Yea sure street vid , buut , thing is that we dont have 13 drop gaps and 9000 sidehop walls just around the corner here like in england. I can actually drive around for days not finding an actual proper gap ! But i have some thoughts of stuff i would like to do now since im starting to get my level up again.
  13. TRA

    Tra Slowly

    my wrists are fine, and well protected under my allsport dynamics wrist braces ! =) my finger is weird , except when riding , then its just fine. But grip isnt really there yet on my left hand.
  14. TRA

    Tra Slowly

    Hi. Not sure on which direction to take on this video, it has some decent riding in it , but still not where i would like it to be. Techniques and power im trying to progress under more controled circumstances, not overestimating myself. But im getting there Video is 3:51 min Thx to my sponsors. Caelifera Trialtech Tnn Engineering Allsport Dynamics
  15. TRA

    The Knut

    Hi. i wanted to throw together some clips i had of Knut, but then i discovered i had alot less then anticipated, so first half is new footage, and second half is stuff from the oslo trip video. Enjoy.
  16. i am psychic , therefor i see angry email from mr. dominique at benitos inbox . cool vid though actually not seen it yet, im just psychic i guess
  17. hi kieran , good riding. but dont do big dropoffs etc just because the "cool" boys do it, play safe !
  18. TRA

    Scooter Knut

    the whole point is that its an memory of knut`s stubborness regarding to get that thing working. not supposed to be something special , nor did i want to throw away the footage either, i see now i shouldnt have bothered with a post. I guess the video is too "inside" and should only have been viewed to them who were there at the moment.
  19. TRA

    Scooter Knut

    this is outtake from the oslo trip video, i think it deserved its own little video. nb , no trials riding in this video . still funny
  20. would love to go ! but it will surely cost me more then 10 gbp =P
  21. cool, done converting
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