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Everything posted by Tim-Rodriguez

  1. I did try scuffing the pads as well as disc with sand paper and it made no difference, but I will give it another go again. The brakes themselves feel fine as in they don't feel spongy and everything returns as it should, so no need to bleed or push bits about. If all else fails then I will look into these jitse pads and new rotors as these non grabby brakes are as good as v-brakes from the 90s
  2. Hi everyone...it's been a while. So... I have a back and front hope mono trial disc on my mod and when I got them new the braking power was amazing. With time they have lost that bite and I have tried disc brake cleaner as well as the water and heat trick, I also bought new brake pads but had no luck getting them to be like when they were new. I spoke to another rider and he said I would have to buy new rotors and pads at the same time...is this correct?
  3. It was good riding with you today, its a shame you couldnt stay for longer.
  4. Hi, This is a video I finished editing last night. Im not a very good rider, but I hope you enjoy it and feel free to comment on it. Thanks, Tim [media=]
  5. Thanks Lee I will think about Portsmouth when I wake up tomorrow.
  6. Im in for this! Can I have your number in case there's change of plans? Thanks
  7. I'm leaving my house in 20 min...see whoever is there around 11:00.
  8. I haven't ridden in about 3 months so I'm out of shape and don't think I will last all day riding with you and will prob head home a bit earlier. But thanks for the offer and the info See you there.
  9. Hey Nick I want to come to this as I have a car and a perfectly running bike now. Can you let me know where is best place to park my car?
  10. Tim-Rodriguez


    Trials riding video in kingston upon thames. Just about manage to put together before i ran out of clips.
  11. Ah you guys are let downs!!! Me and other 4 riders were there and after the heavy down pour everything dried up. Good riding.
  12. Ah man! It pissing it down with rain, im not gona make this one...sorry guys.
  13. Cool beans see you guys there. If the weather is grim and wet then I will call it off before 10:00am on here.
  14. Good stuff! Keep an eye on this post before you leave sat morn just incase theres change of plans.
  15. Hi Fellow riders! Me and Joe Hodges riding London this Saturday and we are meeting at sloped walls at around 11:00.
  16. Na Tarty are very decent people and they deserve my money. Just pissed off and will have to sell the cranks that i recieved from abdab. JUST PLEASE LET THIS TEACH EVERY ONE A LESSON DONT BUT FROM ABDAB!!!!!! God speed
  17. Well Guess what i recieved today... Well thanks but no thanks, I alredy ordered cranks of tarty bikes at full price now a week ago and recieved them the next day Now I have to sell these cranks. So thanks for wasting my time. £50 posted anyone bash included all brand new.
  18. Yeah would like to hear that from him as well...
  19. Yeah that £50 is a days work for me and doesnt help when I got left redundant from my job on friday so I cant afford to loose money like this.
  20. So does this mean I been scammed or is Abdab going to tell me another lie and say he got the package got returned to his home address because he didnt writte my address properly and hasnt had the time to post it again?!?. This is a true croc of shit. Im loosing my nerve here.
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