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Everything posted by fruitbat

  1. Hi guys This may sound a little strange but there was an issue of either Mens Health or one of the Mens Fitness magazines i saw on the shelf a few months ago. The guy on the front had quite a large tatto which went from his elbow, onto his upper arm on onto his shoulder, finishing on his chest with around 4 sharp lines. I want an image of this as im lookin at tattoos of that design and i cannot for the life of me find it anywhere. I know some people on TF are into fitness/health and may possibly have a copy of this magazine. Please please can anyone help?
  2. FPMSL!!!! I read all the replies. knew something was coming and is still s**t me up, jumped so much me knee twatted on my desk, off to nurse it better. fpmsl lots though
  3. I disagree with the comments above. I quit around a year and half ago, started again just recently, well August to be exact, and it just isnt the same. When you quit and re start the motiviation just isnt there whatsoever, you can hardly do anything compared to before, which beleive me, is a pain in the a55. If you quit, chances are thats it and you wont get back into in the same way.
  4. A butterfly next to an erm,,back of a rocket? near an old ITV studios camcorder? i aint a cloo but 4/10 for the butterfly
  5. Beeco is still around Doesn't ride to my knowledge but i sometimes see him driving around which rules out the idea of his world tour, lol Trialsrider.com? Wasnt that Wayne, Alex and Rob etc?
  6. I feel for the poor sod who sat and worked all that out
  7. 4.17 after many many tried, god this is addictive and omfg at the 2 seconds etc..freaks :) 3.24 and i think thats the best ill get so im calling it quits
  8. Worst mistake of my life, quitting. But finally after over a year of being wihtout 2 wheels i am back on a bike and loving every minute of it. Best bit of advice i could give you is NEVER QUIT, hardest thing is when you get backon a bike and you cant do s**t compared to previously. See some of you around :(
  9. Haha yes i did mean on the sun or something, well done olympus mons on mars! Good job google is free eh!
  10. The largest volcano known to man is located where and called what?
  11. tarted up a bit????? mine is a right old slag and she knows it!! But hey if bucky can get with her then im sure anyone can, and her mate, and her other mate!!!! just realised, bukcy is a bit of a slag too! :)
  12. well i once remember there was a topic post a girlfriend picture but i know for a fact a few people have fair nice sisters too so why not post a pic of sister! ill start the ball rolling with mine! Dont think anyone would disagree to this topic but please please please dont post if your sister is like 9 year old!!! just please dont! http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/gallery/1093..._1094169063.jpg and im sorry if i ruin the picture!! :)
  13. fruitbat

    Backflip Film

    now that was soome niiiiiiice riding john!!!!!! as u keep saying it a mod u need to flip next!!! :S ill have to come to the skate park with u and get some general filmin....why dont u get a bmx vid edited and put up,,,be a good un!!
  14. sweeeeeeeeeeeeet....ur gettin pretty good chris that line is mahusive...seen it lots adn never thought it be done...well done lad
  15. fruitbat


  16. fruitbat


  17. British Trials Cup - 14th October 2012, Shipley Glen
  18. fruitbat


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