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Wright Pads

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Everything posted by Wright Pads

  1. Thats me at hallowen with my scary mask and showing my surport for DJ. By the way CPUz is a program and you can take screenies of it and edit then on to others. I only have paint on my system no other photo program. It was my somah/dothane setup that i didn't post up and sold, one with a TB of data stroage. Just been asked to run 3Dmark03 for someone so i'll post it up but i'll be running it with my ATI radeon 9600XT GFx as i'm gonna fit some new mods to my X850 Xt PE card so my score will drop loads, i get 11.5k with my X850 XT Pe. Mac are now going to be running Windows mate so don't hold you breath too much, they also have overclocking potenishal and you can overclock a IBM or CCSL cpu mac, i done it was fun. Nick - care to meet for a pint to chnage your mind a few issues you've listed. Catch me via msn if you feel up toa free beer. You can't really go worng overcloking other than high temps, it wont load windows if done wrong and most have a thermal cutt off so when to hot shuts down, 70/130c. overclocking aint easy or hard but it's anyoing. You have to go up in steps unless you know really what you doing, ie: this is a new cpu so i went up in 5mhz steps, stock it's 200mhz and now im 250mhz so lots of 5mhz steps but when i fitted it in my new bord i went for 235 and then 245 and then 250. sidehop you found out what to do for it? I aint all that sure on amd 64 stuff, my X2 my mate did but i didn't like it so she went out, umm 4ghz on yours be cool with my phase unit heheheh
  2. Single speed is the way forward dude. Go do it, lots of uber cool uk made parts to do it which is good and they work 110%!!!! I run SS for past 4 years and had no problems with it
  3. It's fast as hell, beat any amd system you go buy form any pc shop other than highly spechalist ones. Cost me under £300 but i know people and the bits were 2nd hand. I did the mods to my mobo and am doing one to the cpu soon,m well 2 i think. Fast, well why not, better gaming is one! We gonna do your sidehop, 2.6ghz i think might be good see if we can hit magic 3ghz on yours. Pete
  4. Specs are P4e (prescott) 3.2Ghz@ 4GHZ, 1GB OCZ PC3200 Plantinum v1.1(rev2), Asus P4CE-Delux fully volt modded, 120gb Seagate Barracuda , Powercolor ATI X850 XT PE all volt mods and oc'd, Aska ultra quite 120mm> XP-120 lapped, AS5, 38c idel 42c load. I had the system under torture test for 27 hours running dual prime so 100% load as my chip is kinda dual core but not true dual core..has std chip and HT and Ht is kinda like an extra chip...hard to explaine. I know the pics don't show the run time on both incertances of prime runinng for that long but thats as i didn't take any screenies as i was too tired to at the time. It's currently under air cooling but will be under water soon and i should hit 4.2ghz a full 1ghz overclock, something more heard of by the phase boys as to air or water. Bords has all the volt mods going, Vdropp, Vdim and Vagp, most stable bord you can get out of the box but withthe mods even more stable, there set to be ether on or off and are adjutable too. All have a extra point on them so i can test and check voltages. This system kicks at video encoding and cd ripping or burning. Ripped a cd in less than 30 seconds. The 1ghz (1000mhz) FSB helps as P4 love them. There you go fokes. Pete
  5. Hi everybody, Sorry for not being round much, blew my mobo up so had to wait for my new one and then to fit the mod to it before rebuilding the system. Now crusing at 4ghz 24/7. Anyways I'm coming home to Bristol this weekend to sort out loads of stuff, fact i am going to be moving back. Staying at a mates back in Portishead but i shall be ridding Bristol both SATURADY & SUNDAY. I'll even be rididng Portishead FRIDAY night if there any riders on here from there, MOD Mark i know of. Just waiting for Hope to call me to conferm that my disc willbe er tomorrow..if not i'll nick me mates i hope. I've a new number so get me on 07707285662 if you game for it. I'll be on a Coust as i don;t think my new frame will be er in time. Pete
  6. Oh Emery you gay little f**king twat of a toss pot, your talking to now 2 very f**king good pc moders and tec guys. Show some f**king respect or don't bother asking what so ever. Tower, you mean a base unit with all the gubbing in there not just a tower ie tower case as thats what tower means. You'd get a dam good spec for £400, you'd need to do all in bits to get a decent spec. Amd is a must for gaming how ever i hate them i'm an intel man Abit, DFI are two good mobo's to have 500w and above psu is a must PCI-e for you gfx card again for a gamer must Least 1GB of memory PC4000+ if not 2 is what real gamers go for. Get on some pc forums dude but you'd better be more respect full there cos they will just point laugh and ban your ip there and then dude. You can get even better spec buying 2nd hand. One thing you may have already or will defo need is Windows XP, and a product key, new looking at £80/90 Pete
  7. Voild hell f**king yeah. As has been said, any fault go get it sorted on warranty, rma, grantie etc etc
  8. Glad i could be of some help. Tarty bikes do 165mm, 170mm and 175mm arms, with ISIS or Square Taper bottom bracket fitting. All combinations of colours are in stock (except 175mm Silver ISIS crank arms) - not just what can be seen in the pictures on there site. For example: Blue bashguard can be fitted to black square taper arms, or black bashguard be supplied with silver ISIS crank arms! Pete
  9. You mean the back wheel all the way in the frame? Yes you have no problem unless the moutns are off angle due to the frame builder. You also have 2/3mm of up and down movement on the salves of a Magura in the mounts. Pete
  10. Nah Glyn's right man, too many slags, sluts, tarts, chavets and swills You know what i mean ta
  11. 170 or 175mm is what you want. I run 170mm's dude. Go for ISIS too, stiffer, stonger and i found i don;t have as manny problems wit them as SQ taper. Pete
  12. Dude gonna sk you both Rob and you to stop bitching about one anthour on er. Most today still run a V on the front, light weight, does the job very well, end of. HS11 is only the leaver and does the job too, feel aint amazing but it works. Rob also has KOxx blocks mate on a grind, yeah the grind is dead and need my handy work on it which is happning. Howwever yet to see Rob pull any tricks, yet to see him loung, hop so how can he drop!!! The gold HS33 you can buy now full stop as just the blade, full leaver or spear body. See a good monty deler for it Pete
  13. Depened how you look at this. Bar Gary, Jo, Nick, Dave, Big Ben and my self, everyone eles is a girly rider. You'd be hard pressed to find many females in trials anyways dude, let alone localy on your door step. Speak to Porter, i think he's a lucky chap
  14. Well make the most of Koxx days then if he takes my offer up init!
  15. Was a cheff once when i wanted to do soemthing very differnt from bikes. So yes i can cook
  16. Thats wrong. Cheap stuff is usally bad material on cheap v's there competly resin now, if not very thin aluminim or steal skeltion with resin. This resin being injection molded plastic crap that sanps without warning. Think why motor bike went from cable clutch to hydrical, the power of the engine putting out the cable can;t hold or control the clutch, hydrical is light and easy to use and give amazing grip and power control. Don't say your maggy dont, it's your fault as it's f**ked or not setup right Bigger move, require more poower to do them in turn you need more power to stop you, hense a magura and the need for these pads that grip with easy and the grind giving high friction coating.
  17. Umm leavle can help, i do mine leavle and sometime with the crank up a bit but i did see you Wes withthe crank too high up resutling the bike going back behind you. When you both free next? We need to make trials bikes out of you ''trials bikes'' and make them worphy of it and then we need to go session it up like and get you some skills.
  18. GU no ta, as i said about the mod if it is anyhting like that then no. I've had a go on one but not rode it as per say. But still not linking look and the Vinco is just as the GU! I'll know more this week. Have a buyer dead cert now for my Coust whoo
  19. Trials has evolved. Frame got longer and lost seats, back in the day seated and short. Disc and mags are now all the way but it use to be cantis and V if you were rich As has been said newer moves were brough in the more stress there were out on the bikes and in part the brakes. Higher gripping stuff was needed. grind give rims a high friction coating with a soft or hard compoun to grip. I've used all the pads out there and don;t like or trust them hense making my own which i trust as can be seen by my rididng style now
  20. What you wana do Wes is get the names right, help you and us. It goes for all to be fair 1. Left footed is what you are, i'll check this on our next ride, you wont know i'll be doing it but don't think i'm gonna be starting a fight with you when i do it. (there is only real way before any of you munters start off at me) 2. Can you blance on the spot, ie trackstand..it'll help you 3. Can you wheels form standing, standing up and doing all the driving power left footed? 4. You need to do a standing up wheely, then adding some brakes, so wheel brake, hold it on the back wheel, then wheel more, then add the hope. I've the vids trick and stunts that will show you and i will in person too
  21. Wes 1st do you know what your choclotae foot is? It's a nick name for your strongest foot forward, the power foot, the one you use to do all with.
  22. Umm cost, need the following Locked out rear hub (any hub can be done pretty much) Freewheel (eno for king feeling, etc etc) Tensioner (fresh products, modified rear mech) A sporcket for the rear hub of your choce, fornt will be 18T so make sure you get it right) Spacers for the hub and sprocket Chain Cranks for freewheel 170/175mm BB uber long 127mm Thats it really...
  23. Hahahah well thats what happen when you listen to people that come from far affied, eh TOM!!!! Sundays we all like to sleep. Gary and myself as well as a few others would of had a few surbersts night befor so we need to sleep it off. If it was not for Tom dick and harry missing there tain you;d have met them at 12pm. Best thing to do dude is to talk to Gary, J, myself, or other PLYMOUTH riders for when there next out.
  24. Hey Wes dude. Was cool meeting you yesterday. By the way you should of asked if you wnated to find out how hard it is to ride stock. After all i was the only stock rider out of you lady girly bike riders 9saying that see me ridding Matt t-pro, smothe!!!!) As i said dude we'll help you with fixing the bike, parts and learning the skills. Go get the bike form the shop and we'll fix it, i'll show you how to. Oh and welcome to such hell hole, it's good it's bad it's alright 45% of time!!! Pete
  25. It's a Sunday morning mate, most are in bed and so should i but my son was up and came and woke me up his daddy. No i don't think it's harsh. I've seen 300 easy new trials riders out on rides okay, they all want to be the best and have some skills which is cool. i'll help them out all i can with how to do stuff and hints and tips. it's the wya it happen and works. When they start dfoing stuff and start worrying about this and that then why do the sport. it;s hard, deamanding, painfull weather you like it or not and is costly, damging to you and your bike. Nothing will drop 7ft reapetedly and not die, bend, strech, fatige now. All i was sayign is if you don't want it to brake then don't bother ridding as it will fail, will get scracthed. Give it time mate and other might come in and say there veiw... Pete
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