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Wright Pads

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Everything posted by Wright Pads

  1. Think thats the 1st ever to go. Well done mate. Now go get some decent clear pics. Like to see if you are the 1st in the world and if you'll get anyhting off Deng for it lasting so long
  2. PLYMOUTH, was f**king aswome and not wet this time till very late when it gotten cold and dark. many cameras and video i do belive here today. Some very big style and move let alone stuff done at the end of the day. 2 wheels died 1 ankel stressted to the max 1 disc brake killed 3 pinch flats
  3. Yeah you can have diffrent types and grade of steal. Lots of road frame are steal and there dam light. Alogn with many xc frames. Well read above what i said and go from there. By the way they don't come cheap.. £400+ easy
  4. Hi dude, welcome to an aswome sport. You'll love and hate it but you'll love it more. Get into it a bit more and get some skills and style behind you 1st'ly. Why?? You won't have a flipping clue what you'd want yet out of a frame were as some of er do..ie: ME!!!!!! Last frame i built was for sm'me...had +85mm Worlds shortest rear end (under 365mm) 72* Head angle One off Leeson and my design BB shell Motocycycle style dropouts Pure and utter BRITSISH steal (cos steal is real) Twin top tube Uber stiff anti twist downtube Long WB ^ thats taken 12 years of rididng on and off to get what i knew i wanted. 12 years yes is alot but better to be safe than sorry. If you want one doing catch me if you can on MSN. Be an adult on therew not a pled as most have been. Custom frames aint easy to do when you wanting it have no idea fully on the matter..ie: Type of steal (i can only do steal, still learning to use alloy) Size (wb, SH) Features Design Shape Hope this helps dude. Pete
  5. Spoken to a few ''fems'' Females about this inc the wife! Her reply was she doesn't want to do it as she fears being better than me but anyways her main point was about her body changing. She didn't want to go from a perfect size 10 to bigger due to putting on mussle as she would do so as i have...a last. Also she found it very male domanering and didn;t understand why we got so excited on a few thing. one such today, Richard doing a 12ft drop to 10ft gap and D shapping his wheel. Him trying alone and then further more times after he killed his ankle. Meh women will never understand. Edit: After wrighting this post i got a smach over the back of me head. Och! So i guess casen point is women do take part..or mine does via me and the net. Dam!
  6. In all honestly work a little harder...it'll do wanders. Wank harder F harder Live harder Ride harder foam grips, Raghlie ones are thick, HD and good, gloves help too. sounds like you current grips are to thin and not enough apdding for impact protection
  7. Luke...dude i only met you the once and thats when i though you were gonan daylgiht rape me and Nick Manning that time you were shopping in tiown, hahaha. was well cool too met you and out a face to a name and a good man online. Me numbe ris 07966116149 Go ondude be sick for me please and ride with me. I'll love you forever. fact you cxould get off at Embankment road and ride into town with me man!! I'm on Grenville Raod currently
  8. 20:17 (blame Tarty) 18 psi I ride a Coust V2 frame
  9. Holds broken little fingers well when you still want to ridse along with toes! Also hele hose's to frame and forks so ican rid eiwth out it flapping the way. Game in hand for a bit of S&M too
  10. ^ now that's soemthing i didn't think of at all...bugga me. Well guess i could e-mail T4
  11. Okay guess no one is a Hollyoaks fan or saw last nights...you'll have to watch it sunday then
  12. Well should have my very sweet pads all ready to go today so i'll be happyer wwith what i do a si know i can trust my brake 110% then. My disc is still playing up so i think a stongly worded call to Matt will sort that out. Gonna fresh grind my rim and tune up my king as she slipped on me last Saturday really badly if you remeber, yeah that time i fewll off the 1ft bench and smashed my self up and brused the whole of my chest. Glad i didn't rip my nippel and navel pierecings!!
  13. What happend to him buying the T-pro off this ''dude Tom'' £200 on his mantel piece eh? He can ride my Coust the big boy
  14. Random one er so be ready!!!!! Hollyoaks tonight (15/12/2005) on CH4 just,,,,, Justin is back and walking through the village (opening sceen), who was that band/singer...it was a really mello tune. No idea whom it be but it was wicked and i wana hear more of it and the dude behind it. Pete
  15. Dude i'm not dropping in from the Civic center at all, thats like 100ft+ as to the drop at Copthorn. Matt you can spank me on the day. I seen nothing on this site saying there be a ride just mass asking via MSN!!! Good old Rich
  16. Sorry once again not been round much but meh. Plymouth ride Sun 18th > You gonna come? Names i know of so far are..... Bigman One arme'd Prawn i belive is Steve S Rob p? Frenchman Mini man Edwards Gary Vibrent J Scruf My self Jo Nick And anyone eles....?? If you need to get hold catch me on 07966116149. Meeting at 11am Sunday 18/12/2005 Copthorn Hotel. Word of waring, don't get in my way...i'm going for everything this time without stoping for you to move, Olly as a poiunt of ref! Oh and you won't miss me as i have got the most perfect entrance now...(must remeber not to let go of the bars) Pete
  17. Someone care to explaine...not been round much. Plus i have a Coust V2 frame just found out after checking BB height hehehe
  18. Okay so i aint been aorund er much, sorry. been abusing the pc side of thigns loads. So wa sout on the Coust other day really having some fun and though time to pimp her up some. Lots of stuff in the wroks being made and customised. What i wana know is these new er Echo cnc 4 bolt mounts, they any good for the £25 beans?? I need some news ones as i have cracked mine now and well fancy pimp stuff.
  19. 1. Dropouts (Y) look nice but are them tensioners going to hold that wheel back enough with power through them from someone say usch as CLS, okay he may not ride it or one, but someone can put just as much power thorugh as he probs kicks out and i don't think they look strong enouhg at least! 2. Bash im not so sure on...think that front thing will die. if it's like a wheel and spins good move i say...kinda rolling fixed bash. 3. Why don't you stop making frame look like each other. okay so yeah it's easy top use same headtube and other parts such as TT, DT, CS, SS but really your in Tiwan, the frame building shit hole money pot of the world...you can easyerly make a new set of styled tubes in less than an a day out there. Change the paint job i say and decals, look cheap and tacky. Pete
  20. Zoo stem is minging and bars are to short and nasty plus i twisted and snaped a set of a mates. I'm running Onza 30'' and they feel spot on with 6'3'' height Pete
  21. Hey guys, Sorry not been around much past week or so been busy with family. Okay all know i ride a Coust if you didn't you do now! I've recently just been really getting into it. Feeling able to go bigger and doing more technical stuff but i'm still lagging. Also i'm putting in more effort and more grunt and it's helping. I'm still poo but meh i's work on going there. What i was asking is how long should it take to get into the bike, like feeling whats right. I ask as now i got this ''proper trials bike'' as to say the Pashley i rode for ages and Curtis. I still feel i need a longer stem, currently got a Titech RIP3D 10*x105mm and i think longer and lower would help loads. Please can anyone pass there help er. Pete
  22. it's over kill really but just hsows what can be done. it can be used and ran fine but really it's over kill
  23. Profiles only work on MODS and blow up easy and very regualrly on STOCks and profile charge the earth to fix a si found out with my stock that i sold. 6 SP slive ri had nice loud but died easy...wizzz on king!
  24. Look a bit cheap the KOT so probs Russian made or if not maybe my some other aluminum frame builder out there..YASCA is his name, uber light frames...looks like his build i must say pete
  25. How the hell you done that, 1 post @ 05:15pm and then one more again @ 06:06pm but both exactly the same..nearly an hour part!!! Pretty cool
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