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Everything posted by Anjow

  1. Whereabouts can they be found? Also, when the T-pro was mentioned - did you mean new?
  2. I must say I am a bit afraid of buying second hand. I'm worried about them either coming with problems or developing problems. I'm also afraid of fitting parts myself to begin with because I am totally inexperienced. I was looking at a new bike for simplicity's sake.
  3. I've been wanting a bike for god knows how long, but each time I've had the money I've ended up spending it on some computer part or other. Now I have committed to saving up for one. Here's the deal: - I'll be looking to spend around £500-550. I honestly don't think I can spend more than £550 so please, don't go suggesting I spend something like £700. £550 is already the 'stretched' amount. - I want a 20" bike. - It must have at least rear maguras. - It must come from Tartybikes. They are relatively near me and I want to be within driving distance for if there are any problems. I suppose the two main ones I'd been looking at were the Monty 219 Magura and the Onza T-comp 07. The thing is I don't really know the difference between them. I also don't know what other things I'm looking for in a bike. In an ideal world I'd be able to ride to places on it, but manoeuvrability is more important since I do have a car. To be honest I think I have pretty much limited myself to one of the two bikes I mentioned, but whatever.
  4. Right, what about this: T-Vee 2007 with a pair of these HS33 Evo II?
  5. I'm new to trials and I've been wanting a bike for a while now. However, I've only got around £350. I was thinking I might buy an Onza T-Bird 2007 from trialsshop.co.uk (linking to it doesn't work right) for £299 then add these brakes to the back. I don't know much anything about the differences between HS11, HS11 Evo II and HS33, I just know I don't have more than £350. So, my questions: - Do you think this is a good idea? If not, can you recommend something better for under £350? - Will upgrading the brakes make much of a difference? - What tools would I need to fit them? Is there anything else I should know about fitting them? I've never worked with any hydraulic brakes before. - Will trying to ride to uni (~15 minute walk) on this bike make me die? Thanks.
  6. Anjow


    Does nothing for me... Is there a certain way to look at them?
  7. I don't like it much. I like some of the ideas in it, but it's just not as funny as family guy, not by a long way. That's the reason I like family guy better. The randomness of it, you never know what's next. Still, both are better than the simpsons.
  8. Both of mine were £16. They are more expensive than ears because ears usually just use a gun. Eyebrows require a large disposable needle with a canular. When I got my second one done, as the woman was putting the ring through she got it in then kept missing the exit hole with the pointy bit... it hurt. A lot.
  9. Yeah I had problems earlier too, at first I thought it was my uni connection - it's regularly down - but sites worked fine. Sorted now though.
  10. I don't think they're really psychologically messed up, they just pretend to be to get attention. That's all mid-teens ever want. Yeah, I went through the spiky-hair-so-hard-you-could-burst-a-balloon-on-it phase, but I'd like to think it was not a major thing. And I've grown out of it now. Now I'm at the too-lazy-to-get-his-hair-cut stage because I know that I can only get away with it while I'm in uni, and before I start going bald.
  11. Anjow

    Corsa Sri 8 V

    My parents suggested that they have me as the policyholder for my insurance whilst I'm at uni, and they pay for it. That way, when I'm completely financially independent the premiums will be much less as I've already built up the no claims. I'm with Bell by the way.
  12. Anjow

    Corsa Sri 8 V

    Ahh I didn't know you were the type to go to 'cruises'.
  13. Anjow

    Corsa Sri 8 V

    Get a car with an 'i' or an 's' anywhere in the model and you're bound to get astronomical quotes. The way to get a good car for starting off in is get one that they wouldn't expect - like a nice family car. I'm 19 and I have a Volvo 440 1.8i - it's pretty powerful as first cars go, but it's not sporty looking; a good comfortable family car. My grandparents have one. So my insurance is 1300 in my name, third party fire & theft.
  14. Remember that once you pass you won't ever have to do it again in your life. Unless you drive like a dickhead later on and get banned, in which case you have to do an even harder test! That's what got me through learning to drive. I hated it.
  15. Someone needs to tell scene-huggers worldwide that you are actually allowed to like more than one genre of music at a time.
  16. http://www.dobi.nu/emo/boys.htm First there were goths, then some companies thought "hey we can make some money out of these kids who want to be different". Next came emo, and before it started and became all trendy those same manufacturers had already started spewing out the generic silver studded belts, tight t-shirts and black hair dye. Now it's got to the stage where being an emo or a goth is no longer alternative. You score emo points for not washing your hair, crying, having a friend cut your hair so it looks messy (a bit like Robert Smith of The Cure), and probably cutting yourself. Notable quotes: "Cry me a river, emo boy" "I'm too emo for my face" If you ever wanna see some real kids who think they're emo, head over to myspace.com - half the results in any search are emo kids.
  17. That's a really excellent video, well worth the download size.
  18. Well the good news is that you're entitled to both compensation from the criminal injuries compensation scheme AND the offender :angry: Something needs to be done about chavs. And it should involve electricity.
  19. I'm just after a bike that if, on the way back from somewhere, I get tired, I can sit down on and freewheel for a bit. I don't want a mountain bike because there are no mountains here (Y) Next question: will a normal railed seat fit on the bike?
  20. To be honest I don't think it was a silly question, I'm new to trials so how would I know. I thought that there might be some seats which are just stuck on somehow, not properly designed to take your weight.
  21. I was wondering, is the seat on a bike like a T-Raptor PURELY for show, or can one sit on it (albeit somewhat uncomfortably)? Sorry if it's a bit of a stupid question.
  22. I made a mistake in my last post but I can't seem to edit it...
  23. Thanks for all the thoughts folks, I did think that with a 26" it would be harder to manoeuvre... And the problem with the T-Pro is it's around £70 over budget, money I'd need to spend on a lock and other stuff - I'm already in debt as it is (Y) Is the T-Bird really that much worse than the T-Pro? Would I really notice the different gear ratio?
  24. Thanks for the advice. Whereabouts would be a good place to get a bike? I was looking at these two in particular, could anyone comment on them? T-Bird 20" http://www.airevalleycycles.com/products.php?plid=m1b0s3p255 T-Raptor 26" http://www.airevalleycycles.com/products.php?plid=m1b0s3p516
  25. Hey there... I'm thinking of getting a trials bike. I don't know exactly which one. My problem is that I'd mainly be using it to travel to uni and back each day (around half a mile or so) - it's hardly an epic journey but I'm not gonna be happy if I have to turn the cranks 10 times to travel 1 yard. I've not ridden any proper trials bikes, so I don't know what to expect. Because it's not very far to go to uni I don't really care about having a seat seeing as I ride stood up pretty much all the time anyway. Can anyone tell me if its worth me getting a trials bike? And if so, should I get a 26" one or a 20" one? I'm looking at a few models right now, all made by Onza. My budget is around £400. You can consider me a beginner. I've done a tiny amount of trials riding on my old bike several years ago. Cheers.
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