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Posts posted by Bigman

  1. is it me or does that hoffman trials frame look alot like they stole the whole brake cage idea from the lad that made his own trials frame on here, or is that where he got the idea from?

    Hoffmann bikes have been around for a very long time, Iit would be more likely that Alex (Who I assume you mean) got his inspiration from them.


  2. That does Suck Simps, But I was always under the impression that the maladie was not a frame designed for street riding, but a HS33 version of the Aurem, making it a long, light high BB comp bike with a HS33 mount. If it were a street frame it would have been heavier than it is, I know one of the frames I have been asked to test for them soon is a frame designed for streety riders and it is a good 250-300g heavier than thier current stock frames.......

    Still sucks for you though :(


  3. I ran this tyre for a few days:

    Grip compared to a maxxis minion: not very close, but not realy bad......

    Bounce (compression on preload basically) compared to a der kaiser: Way more bounce.

    Puncture Resistance compared to a rubber queen: Not as good.

    I changed mine pretty soon after getting it, they are a good value tyre, I am running a koxx signel ply now, and that seems pretty good!


  4. I would also be interested in this! I am based in coventry so if youneeded a hand with things i would be more than happy to come up and lend a hand!

    I do not know much about insureance or anything, but have a reasonable idea about sourcing objects etc as I have build a course on my own farm at home. Tyre recyclers are a good place to start for the large quarry tyres, if they don't have any they will usualy be able to give you somewhere that will have them, they are usualy free or cost VERY little. Concrete object manufacturers are also a good place to source stuff, as they will ALWAYS have stuff that is not good enough for them to send out, the one I delt with just let the council take it, but I was able to have whatever I wanted too as they just wanted it out of the yard. Pallets and things are generaly pretty easy to source, I actualy found a massive yard near me in cov that is a couple of acres full of pallets! Obviously for other random objects scrap yards etc are a good place to look, not sure how you would go about getting hold of skips, but I am sure it is possible. And of course logs should be pretty easy to get hold of!

    Gimme a shout if you need a hand.


  5. Like the other guys have said, there realy is no need to get a chris king these days, I ran a rear CK hub for 6 years and it was spot on! but now I am running an echo SL freewheel and it is easily as good and ALOT cheaper, even if you do have to buy a new rear hub too!

    as for front hubs, any of the new hubs shown on tartybikes are generaly pretty good, Rockman BUB and Echo TR are very well priced! Headsets I would recomend an echo SL too as thats what I am running and it has been very good.

    Hope that helps abit.


  6. Our Alpaca! Just after we sheared him, think he got abit of a shock :P He is called Hercules


    Henry and Toby (Toby got re-homed though, he was not good around the animals):


    We currently have 3 dogs, Henry, Lilly and Holly but i can not find any pics of the others....


  7. heard good things about EBC reds.

    Never heard owt about these things though

    I was not overly convinced by the EBC reds I tried in my louise, changed back to the std magura pads, and they have been much better!


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