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Posts posted by weebryan

  1. He goes that big because, well, HAVE YOU SEEN HOW BIG HE IS? It's hard for somebody 5 foot tall to jump 3 feet. It's not so hard for somebody who's nearly 7 feet tall jump 3 feet. He's like an ogre. Comparing his massive riding to anybody is like asking the short white guy on the Lakers why he can't touch the rim. Shorter/normal people have to work to get the height that he can nearly just step onto. It's all about context and proportion. Frankly, I'm wondering WHY he isn't going bigger. Heights like that are somewhat average if you take into account his massive stature.

    That said, Comas is a f**king legend and that was brilliant riding.

    Finally some one i agree with im only 5"4 and i struggle with heights and need more technique and not getting any younger nearly in my 30s, i really envy young people who can pick things up quickly and tall people but i think dani rides to his ability and will be good to see him push benito in the comps next year :shifty:

  2. I was merely explaining why Heathrow is a lot harder to run than say Glasgow airport, whilst Glasgow can get by with less equipment Heathrow simply can't, it's a massive operation, and people wouldn't be happy if plane ticket prices suddenly skyrocketed to pay for loads more machines for the few days a year this happens. The chaos on the roads are down to incompetent drivers and lack of preparation. Also the sheer volume of traffic is far higher than that in Scotland so that's another issue you have to take into account, ie more people to get stuck in the first place and more incompetent people to cause the issues in the first place.

    Well played on shovelling and shiz though.

    Yea very true mate just need more effort i think and i am sick of hearing england this that snow on tv thats why the rant.

    Well the snow was level with number plate and another 1.5 ft fell after that when i dug it out lol

    I shovelled my wee heart out the days off, i dug my space and kept it off main road and cleared roads to get about. I have a 1 year old girl and need about ie nursary/work shops i wont get stuck in, every time i went out someone else would block road and he/she wheel spin like mad and get stuck and slide into parked cars i said get out i will do it and get it going again or they brake down and toe them away .

    On main roads there were parked car BOTH sides. Side streets wernt passable so only single track roads on main, then someone else would come other way,what to do, we look at each other and decide either to reverse all the way back or plough into 3 or 4 foot wall of snow/ ice left at side of road. Trees were falling due to snow stuck on branches and fell on car was epic and i had blisters on hands good times . Diesel froze 2nd year running (-20 at one point) scarry when it cuts out and on single track road no where to go now 3-4 inches of snow a breeze to drive

    I spent 3 hours to get my passat from my car park to main road just digging and then dug a space just off main road to still be mobile.One day i came back and some one STOLE myspace was ragging a total of 5 hours digging over a week keeping that space clear so i could get in and out. This all sound alot but most people i know done the same as me so get digging. the M8 up here got hit bad and closed with vehicles still on it overnight madness then it opened and was hard ice all over it and was like a rally, really bumpy off road feeling or going slow was like a pimp my ride car up down up down up down smillar to speed bumps on a motor way lol

    if yous get a few feet of snow really good luck!!!!!!

  3. Heathrow has a plane take off or land roughly once every 45 seconds, you can't really compare it with Scottish airports. If it suddenly snows at Heathrow and the runway is unusable for just say 15minutes the backlog caused is enormous. This is why it causes so much chaos.

    SO why does it cause so much chaos on roads too and not just airports, just saying Scotland copes better even though more snow and we have less equipment less money and less people i know about the equipment cause i fix them. Englands get all new trucks, buses, council vehicles and after 4 years use they ship them to us and i fix them cause there done in replace engines/gearboxes thats most of the cases (ie ex london )

    The last few weeks i drove 4 cars out of 2.5foot of snow stuck in, dug 3 cars out and shoveled 2 streets and also my car park and jump started 2 cars Any of yous done that??????????

    Then why not

    Getting stuck and shoveling for 2-3 hours a day was routine for a while at home and keepcar park space clear so i dont have to abandon my car on main road and then gritter/ploughs cant get down thats what happened here still a fw lying

    thats why yous go in a state of panic, We all chip in ,salt, shovel, blanket, water some food all in boot of my car its not just down to councils to clear roads we should all do our bit AND I wouldnt have to put tv on and here is about snow in england again wouldall be fine

  4. Funny that England gets a few inches of snow and its all over the news, gridlock, airports shut, chaos.

    However over the last weeks Scotland and my area Cumbernald was well over 2 feet almost close to 1 meter and not a word on the news not only that there was no ploughs or grit we all had to dig the streets ourselves including car park spaces , get to work because there was a possibilty we would not get paid and carry on.

    Main roads turned into car park so people could go to work some streets to big to dig i got stuck at least a few times a day daily and one of the days was -20c

    So why cant England not cope they have more money/people/equipment ??????????????????????????????????????

    Right now all scottish airports open and at least a few inches lying. Heathrow however???

  5. Why everyone is talking about how they look like. Nice, simple frame shape, simple colour - probably a perfect comp owning machine! Its what's inside that matters! :shifty:

    Cant agree any more :) built for what it does, since when looks are more important than form, looks dont help you improve do they?

    If they had a choice £XXXXXXX amount for a budget for manufacturing bikes and customers to buy

    They and we Spend £XXX on better geo and stronger/lighter materials/parts and dosent look great and lasts ORRRR

    They and we Spend £XXX on paint/ stickers names colour schemes and rides like crap snaps breaks like last few models you pick

  6. I've never used glue before . Always made sure its a good fit and squashed them in vice, will give them a try though ran coust cnc backings on the base from 6/7 years ago and many pads on different bikes.

    Untill my rockman which i got this summer and used tnn and gave wife the coust running out of pads all worn over the years koxx browns/green/ yellows heatsink blue/red, coust pads, lol zoo pads were the worst really soft

  7. I have a set on old coust cnc backings with original koxx browns in them very worn and was wondering if anyone has tried LGM Re-Fills in them.

    Its for another bike ( wifes bike ) and i run a TNN set up on mine, so more than happy to use their pads on other bike and would save from buying backings

  8. Correct me if i am wrong

    Chain tensioner is interesting no snail cam bolts :huh:

    Edit i see a stub ???? whats the idea in this then less chance of movement. Why dont they make a semi moon shape so the snail cam sit almost inside more contact less movement

  9. Yea got to remember the other factors :

    Frame, Rim type, Clamps, Booster, Grind type, Brake system can all have an effect. You got to play around a little like ali c said, every one is different

    My past favs were koxx browns but I have tried Koxx yellow coust cnc,heats sinks red and blues all on differant frames, rims, grinds

    over the years and was not over impsressed but tried lgm and was feeling the same so tried some boosters 2 and 4 bolt still the same until i tried the tnn clamps and booster then thought wow wish i bought

    these ages ago,

    even in wet i feel safe still the same noise performance will never change to anything else more than happy and impressed they work to my high standards beeing a mechy engineer

    Check out my pink bike page to see all bikes set ups

  10. I have anti-freeze for 4 years now and still going strong only had 1 bleed never touched it again

    I used the following:

    1 sink basin for kitchen cheap ass plastic one out of asda

    Anti freeze aquired from work ( any will do )

    Syringe and bleed hose with barb


    remove brake and curl it up and cable tie it so it fits into basin, tpa all way out

    fill basin with hot/warm water

    dunk brake in and remove bleed screws work brake and bleed with syringe with water to remove oil/dirt

    remove tools and brake and syringe wash oil/water and start fresh clean basin

    fill basin with cold antifreeze (the colder the better get more in )and bleed brake with syring, but put bleed bolt in at slave loose to slightly pressurise and squeeze air out

    squeze syringe slowly tighten all screws under antifreeze remove brake and tools, poor antifreeze into contaniers for futer use


    you can play about with completely removing lever and pin/tpa then bleed but be carefull you dont push the master piston out, i tried it worked really well but it shoved the pads in slightly when i put lever back on so i slackened bleed screw till they return and you have a small pressure in the lines so no lag and any antifreeze/air if trapped cant compression any more and work perfect for me never touched it since

  11. Daventry is a bit of a shit hole to be honest, closed decent riding would be northampton, Not alot of natty around here.

    There is someone in daventry but hes a scamming b*****d.

    Ha ha had a drive around and yes its very poo, oh well going to be a long week will keek searching though!!!

  12. Big fan of try-all but i have opted for the trs and they work for me,

    more grip than the single vp,

    wider than the vp and lighter,

    also sealed bearings and the same as try-all

    so why pay double the amount for tryall


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