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Everything posted by Blommah

  1. I got a spare seal on the tpa, is it two of that size thats in the lever? might find it in a hardwarestore somewhere. Or how many do you need? and can you give me a quick tell about how to replace it? dont want to brake anything.
  2. I read somewhere that you can fit your rb design lever on a magura lever body with some modification, anyone done this? is it any good? My RB lever is leaking so it`s my last option.. How u do it? Cheers. Vic.
  3. Blommah


    I use something we in sweden calls t-red, it removes anything that ends with -grease. From my experiences it`s almost always something under the grips that makes them slippery, so personally i really wouldnt put even more stuff under there. Just give it a good clean from all the chemicals, put some t-red in and when it dries it`s on there forever, t-red or gasoline i`ve heard should work pretty well. If it`s always been that slippery though, you might wanna put some sticky stuff under there. Just a tip. Cheers.
  4. Thank you . Well i got rid of my RB a while ago. I left it at my LBS (Unfortunately), they didnt want to sell me magura oil and i needed a bleed. They told me that the lever was leaking, since it wasnt when i left my bike there, i was pretty mad, but couldnt prove anything. witch O-ring is it that leakes? Have to check at my local hardwarestore. Cheers
  5. Ok, so i did a quick search at the forum and didnt find anything, feel free to flame me if this has already been answered. Building my hs33a with a RB carbon lever back in action tomorrow, and then i read something about a water bleed. So i`ve read how to do it, but what are the pros and cons? Gotta be some downside with it? Doesnt oil lube as well, everything must be worn out faster? And does it really seal that well so that water doesnt come out? And have anyone tried it with a carbon lever? Shouldnt be a difference but who knows, might as well ask. And if there is a detailed guide, or just some tips, tell me . Cheers. Vic
  6. i got the 350, it`s pretty sweet, takes about 2.5 fps if i remember it correctly. You just have to see the pros and cons. According to some testes made on some sites i`ve seen that the 400s sensor is a bit worse when it comes to light. Ex. you get a bit darker photos with 400 at 400 iso than 400 iso on the 350.
  7. My GF rides, she rides an saracen 2.zero atm, just for learning. She also rides mountainboard, a flybikes flatlandbmx (It`s so sweet, i`m going to steal it someday), and a specialized p.3, also incredibly sweet. And yeah, she`s a bike mechanic and rides the shit out of parks, beat that .
  8. Specialized rockhopper at 13, avanti hotdog at 15, crescent ilions at 16/17. Specialized rockhopper at 13, avanti hotdog at 15, crescent ilions at 16/17.
  9. I got hope and i love them, you really cant compare the feeling between hydraulics and cable, i am 80 kg and the small rotor is more than enough for my moves. Have to say hope
  10. Crescent ilions, snapped 4 times in the rear triangle, lucky for me i had a workshop near who fixed it for a really cheap prize.
  11. I use almost no grind at all now, it`s pretty worn out, monty pads i think, orange very small and square, and the spray, works splendid. Here is the european version of the spray, i think you quoted me when i posted the australian one first. http://www.crcind.com/csp/web/ProdDisp.csp...20RED&lng=3
  12. As i wrote in another thread recently. Go to a carparts shop and get Beltgrip spray. Costs nothing and lasts forever. I used the same can for like 5 months now, costed me like 9 pounds. Sticky as hell and works splendid. http://www.crcind.com/csp/web/ProdDisp.csp...20RED&lng=3 This is the one i use, guess CRC is kinda international so you shouldnt have a prob finding it, but i guess that any beltgrip spray will do. Cheers.
  13. Yes, i`m a full member now, aaaw yeeah . Well, the thing that i`m really asking is what are the pros/cons over regular riser bars compared to really wide bars except the balance? Havent ridden for a while so i`m back at zero now, might as well learn with really wide bars if it`s easier doing stuff.
  14. I use a spray wich is really sticky, you use it in your cars engine so that the "Belt" (Dunno whats it called) wich spins really fast stays grippy and so on. Cost me like nothing and it lasts for months. So just ask for a sticky spray in a car-parts shop and you should be fine. Oh, now i remember, i think its called belt-spray. I use Crc Belt-Spray. Cheers. Now i remember for real, its called Belt-grip, spray on and youre ready to go.
  15. Got an ea70 riser bar on my saracen street trials bike, also used to have it on my crescent ilions back in the days, and what can i say, i love it. I think it looks like really wide bars are more popular now than ever, so, whats the pros/cons on Ea70 Vs Tryall replica bar on my GU, except the balance ofcourse, it seems like i can do just about everything better with an ea70 than with a really wide bar. Hope you understand what i mean, i`m swedish, we`re a bit off. So, give me some pros and some cons. Cheers.
  16. I got a Kawasaki Ninja minimoto with a polini engine, gonna do some comps next summer perhaps, anyway, goes like hell, a little to much throttle and youre flying to mars. Not a MX, it`s a roadracing machine.
  17. Trialers in swansea? God dammit, i lived there for a month and had to do all the riding by myself. Had to buy a Saracen 2.6 just so i could ride. Where do u ride? Cheers Vic
  18. Gu Typhoon 26" (I`ll have it by tomorrow perhaps) Saracen 2.6 frame with a lot of other trialsy parts, none original. Koxx Gold Edition Trials Unicycle Travis collier flatland, Specialized p2. blahblahblah. My Gf got a saracen two.zero and a Koxx white widow unicycle And a specialized p.3, Flybikes flatland bmx (She`s a bike mechanic, but still, very feminin )
  19. What`s the difference between them?
  20. Breaking in to a neighbour must be one of the single dumbest thing a human could ever do, i would be ashamed to the death if i were him and i met you after this. Dumbest thing besides buying a james blunt cd that is. Nobody is more dangerous than the other these days, since there is tools for everything, what you lack in muscles you gain in an extra large baseball bat. Good luck anyway, i hate people without respect for other humans, breaking in to a house and going through another humans belongings is like raping without the sex part. Sorry for my bad english Cheers. Vic.
  21. Yep. hope mono trials, tested a used hayes, and then the hope, i`d never go with hayes, hope is awesome.
  22. Ordered my typhoonfork earlier today, i`ll get back to you
  23. I think that echo will win, since it looks that the echo brake has come out of the maggies. maggies=xc, echo=trialsmaggies.
  24. Tarty is a quite new shop isnt it? I did trials like a year and a half ago, and all my parts came from crc, havent even heard of tarty until i started doing some trials recently. I`d rather pay a few euros extra on tarty rather than buying it on crc, crc will survive anyway, but i think it`s worth a few extra bucks only to have a great and fast webshop with trials parts, it`s awesome, here in sweden we got heavy overprice on anything that has to do with trials, and if you want something from your lbs it takes weeks, if youre lucky. So i have to go with Tarty. Good servicing even to me with my nowadays lousy english. Keep up the good work. Cheers Victor Blom Sweden.
  25. Tell us the outcome, get those bastards.
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