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Everything posted by aaron-i'anson

  1. Thats me Mat lol. At the time it was well funny Chris was like bet i can do it first time.
  2. Mint video Joe, Good editing too.
  3. I think most people are, Yes i am.
  4. My friend Alan a rider himself, Went on the radio competing agaist other peoples ideas of what to make. The radio station have been sponsored by a few big companys to get a decent amount of money. It was all desided by a vote, I know many of you voted for it and thank you for doing so. We won the vote last friday the radio company picked Alan. They had a long disscussion about it all then they desided that it was going to be INDOORS! They're not going to build something indoors they're going to rent a place or, We thought of an idea one of the companys what are sponsering us own a big dockyard place and they have a old building there what is a good size. So we're going to ask the company if we can build the park in their building. I will update you if i know anymore. P.S Kent is in the south eastern area and is not to far away from train staion what is called Gillingham. Aaron
  5. Yes stay with 2.5 the Monty 2.7 wont fit on a python get if you have enough money Try-all tyre or just get Maxis.
  6. Them frames are BEAST! i advice you lot if thinking of buying one to get one. See Adam about them. Aaron
  7. Yes use the search before you make a new topic.
  8. I did do when i was about 8 years old i had a little TY80. I had hours of fun on that little machine i was sad to see it go but when i did sell it i didn't get another moto-trials bike don't know why. As from then i got into push bikes and was doing jump for a long time then, My friends Dave and Obie got me into bike trials and they're isn't nothing going to stop me now!
  9. Yes i have had plenty of bad days riding. 1. I went on big ride at Folkstone just started warming up and rear hosing got caught as i didn't make a sidehop and the hosing split. 2. Fell off and landed on the bottom of my back, I blamed the weather as it was slipery and wet and then, While i was not able to ride for over a week the weather was mint so i got pi**ed off that i could not ride when the weather was great!
  10. The two pieces of protection i use on my bike are, Kevilar i use it in between my Tyre and my innertube it doesn't prevent pinches but prevents glass and thorns going threw my tyre. The other piece of protection i use is a chainstays Lizard skin protector. I don't find that it protects much but i use it for if the chains slightly slack i use it so it does not hit the chainstays and make that horrid noise as it clashes with the chainstays. Aaron
  11. Yes Zoo pads have an amazing grip on a smooth rim with the outstanding cherp aswell. However i would say that they're not that good in wet weather. Then again its spring and the weather should be mint. So i give you a strong advice to get them. Aaron
  12. Yes ill be there, When abouts in the holidays was u thinking of meeting there?
  13. Yes Alan (ANAL) it will happen i've been dreaming about it and invicta are good with stuff like that so we just need votes!
  14. I have realized recently that i don't get scared of much any more but when i was a begginner rider i used to get scared of big drops and i suppose i still am now a bit, I used to bottle drop gaps and sidehops but seem to do them spot on now. Although in trials i can seem to do everything but pure hops, Don't ask why but i'm crap at back wheels and not to good at wheel swaps.
  15. I just fill more comfortable joggers than in jeans when i ride so no i'm not a chav. I am far from being a chav!
  16. Cheers Anal maybe more people from out the area shall be able to come now you given a map.
  17. When you are at your dads next take the bolt out and put some Lock Tight on the thread of the bolt. If you do not have now you should be able to get it from B&Q or a shop like that.
  18. Yes get Zoo ISIS cranks or if not get Middleburns. Its up to you its what you like and what you prefer square taper or ISIS.
  19. Right in the very corner of the South East right, Right in the corner.
  20. Hi, Just wanted to know who is going Ramsgate ride and who wanted to join us? I have never rode there before but seen a video of some guys there and i must say it looks good. I heard from everyone who has been there that its good there. Then heard from few people they're riding there this Saturday. just would be better with few more people. Anyone care to join us?
  21. Oh cool man bit to far then as i live down the south east called Kent. You heard of it?
  22. Hi, Would you be able to send it to me on msn? aaron_medway_riders@hotmail.com
  23. So you are a part time chav. "TUT TUT" I'm a shamed of you.
  24. Yeah man them pictures are "GREAT" I would love a camera man like you in our area where do you live?
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