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Saracen Kid

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Everything posted by Saracen Kid

  1. hi just wondering: 1. if i got a 4 bolt frame how do i fit 'v's 2. which is the best way of making 'v's powerful thanks to all
  2. well what do you? i play gutair(electic) and the clarinet what to play the sax
  3. its because he is a sad little man with no freinds
  4. bacily its all up there^^^^ so which is it from 18t up to 22t i need a cog for riding fast and doing whellies(which i do in gear 4)
  5. nice gap shold try to land it nextt time
  6. 1. its trials without the bikes 2. what you cant see out of shot is a copper chasing them
  7. when mr heatsink releses the new frame i will get it and do: heatsink frame:£250 saracen fork ive got: £free suntour cranks i got:£free all drive chain ive got:£free black maggie:£70 full wheels i got:£Free dmr pedals (copy) :£10 bar + stem ive got:£free fsapig heatset £21 hayes disc frount ive got £free sihmadio disc hub :£17 dmr single speedkit:£17 all adds up to 385 quid if there any thing ive missed tell me what do you guys think of this beasty set up
  8. hi all ive got some questions playing on my mind so here they are: 1. what rim grinding? 2. whats tar? all answers apreated thanks
  9. sounds like a bargain i would make it single speed and put a ridgid fork on don't change the brake there fine if there are any spelling mistake sorry iam in a ict lesson at school and shouldent be on here
  10. so really what your all saying is get it but get a new leaver
  11. except for not having tpas is there any difference? if so could they be used for trials? thanks all comments appreated callum
  12. hi and a welcome from all, first of all ha ha you ride xc and you should buy a trials bike, or get good on your xc (really really good ) then buy a trials bike then you will b an amazing rider in two dicaplines anyway welcome to the forum mate
  13. falling off without hurting myself now theres a good trick
  14. ive got 3 offers on frames: onza t-rex £199.99 (tarty) heatsink 26'' £199.99 (heatsink) a 2nd hand coust V2 with headset, bb,4bolt mounts and 4 bolt bolts £250.00 (wright pads) thanks guys
  15. why the hell did you use the hamster dance song!!! any ways good riding but do as above get a trials frame and fork tartybikes.co.uk is a good start
  16. i know i keep doing this but what do your guys think about the onza t-rex frame thanks
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