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Everything posted by _Owen.

  1. we had simlar problems with pikeys trying to rob my dads scooby!!! so now he always blocks it in (with my moms car) and he got one of those disk lock things and got a camera pointing at it 24/7. we havent had a problem since
  2. nice mate. 5 hours is pretty impressive when your doing chops like that! good work
  3. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=237 i love the look of it!! would look better if the frame was re-sprayed all black though. but still lush!!
  4. blue (now red on tarty) rock pads. work wonders for me mate
  5. nice mate. i love riding crates
  6. haha wonderful. i just fit my echo lites today aswell. so happy with them
  7. haha. were you using a vee mate??
  8. love the editing mate. nice chilled music aswell. liked it
  9. iv got a magura but i hate it so i put my vee back on and dont intend on going back. by the look of it my vee had alot of adjustment left (if you get me). has anyone put a 19" on with a vee?? o ye thanks for your help again
  10. oh my god that is lush. im well jelous
  11. thanks for all the fast replys. i had the crazy idea that if i filed away at the little gap where you put the axle through the frame then you may be able to move the wheel forward far enough to make the brakes line up. was i wrong do you think.
  12. isnt it like a rule of trials to use your index finger. i have never known anyone use anything else.
  13. im part way through saving for my new frame, and wondering if i buy a 19" rear now to fit to my new frame will it fit by t-vee frame that i am using at the moment. basically will a 19" rear fit a t-vee? has any one done it or known anyone that has done it? sorry if this is a repost, but i did a search and nothing was returned. any help will be greatly appreciated. thanks owen
  14. some people rekon the further you drop your frount end the further you will gap. but ill leave that for you to decide. i rekon the easiest way to get better is just practice.
  15. dmr v8's. not many trials riders like them, but i do. alot
  16. get some pics up, then the replys will roll in mate
  17. i would say around the 200-350 mark. because saracens arent the most liked bikes in the trials community
  18. sweet video mate. that gap to spikey rail was imense! bit too dangerous for me though
  19. couldnt agree more mate. you can brake any frames, bars etc but some are harder than others. i use zoo bars and im not the smoothest of riders and i have never bent or snapped them. i rekon you should go for a set, i almost garantee you will like them
  20. blue rock pads (now red from tarty) are the best. i have rode with browns and didnt feel they were as good as my rocks. but each to their own and all that. i think you should go for pads that are often reccomended by other trials riders and just see how they feel. not like £18 is alot
  21. ye mate your right! the new ones suck. i rekon the latest shape rs could be good if it was rwd. would be alot of fun
  22. use road bike bike grips. the wrap things, and just put a cable tie either side. its really hard to rip and hopefully will protect your frame a bit better than a chainstay protector
  23. nice mate. how long you been riding? only thing i would say is try and fade the music in and out because it jumps from one song to another prety fast. but over all sweet video
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