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Posts posted by HarshRider

  1. so there is no uphill gardeners on this forum woopy.

    Lets get on with our lives and stop convincing each otehr that we didnt fall for it.

    Who cares?

    If your going to cruise the marmite highway, dont invite me, thats all im saying.

    im gay, can we marmite?

  2. Is everyone choosing to ignore the mashed Ashton as there is a huge craze for them at the moment? :P

    quite a few older ashtons cracked and snapped,

    the first batch were the worse if i remeber, but they sorted them out with later models,

    im sure some people will find some problems with the new ashtons, with so many people buying them i expect something will happen to them.

    then there will be a new crase!

  3. Our local hero. :D

    That be Kettle, well, his actually name is Simon Brettle. I'll leave you to make the connection there. :P

    is that the guy who on a pompy ride quite awhile ago on his jump bike,

    he was doing 1 handed x up manuels, and at the pyriminds went ovber that rail thing,

    yeah, crazy stuff!

  4. my shit heap

    IPB Image

    well its my work in progress 1970 beetle

    its going in for the heater channels to be replaced next week

    plans are for a 1600 engine which i should be building

    a new general interior

    new paint job

    removal of all rust

    and other bits and bobs!

  5. i was in fareham today...didnt see any riders though... i wanst riding.... infact i saw some people as i left... maybe you saw me in my beetle :shades:

    i got my first parking ticket :D

  6. hey,

    im a recent driver to the roads.... and its starting to dawn on me how much petrol actully costs...

    i seem to be spending £30ish a week at the moment

    and in my first week of driving spent around £45ish starting to mount up.... looks like im getting a student loan! :-

    how much are you guys on average doing!

    just a borden question

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