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Long To Short

Ryan Blackwell

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Hey guys at the moment i have a zona zip (long) and soon ill shall be getting a monty 221pr (very short) but im wondering if i go to a shorter frame will i loose my distance in gaps becuase i have herd longer bikes are better for gaps and stuff like that.

Sorry for the newbie question.


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With a longer bike you have more leverage so you would think you could gap futher but with a shorter bike you are able to throw the bike up more so you can gap up more and throw the bike more into the gap so that makes up for the lack of leverage. When i rode mod i had a long mod and they just arnt as fun as short ones as your stuck with static moves unless you learn to tap and thats pointless as you will never be able to tap as high as you could bunny, so short mods all the way. If you want to go big then learn to bunny a short mod, it will seem hard at first but when youve got the hang of it you will find it so much more fun and also open up new moves to you and broaden your style.

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With a longer bike you have more leverage so you would think you could gap futher but with a shorter bike you are able to throw the bike up more so you can gap up more and throw the bike more into the gap so that makes up for the lack of leverage. When i rode mod i had a long mod and they just arnt as fun as short ones as your stuck with static moves unless you learn to tap and thats pointless as you will never be able to tap as high as you could bunny, so short mods all the way. If you want to go big then learn to bunny a short mod, it will seem hard at first but when youve got the hang of it you will find it so much more fun and also open up new moves to you and broaden your style.

what i wanted to say (Y)

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