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Cracked Monty Pr 07

N Roach

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Have had a few things been going wrong resently and this is one of them now. Just got back form riding today to turn the bike upside down to clean it, whilst cleaning I noticed a dark line running round the welding of the gusset at the top of the downtube. I bought this frame through tartybikes on the 20/03/07 so hopefully the warranty might be able to help.Has anyone cracked a 07 monty pr and successfully claimed warranty?



Edit: No Pics atm

Edited by chocolate_bikes
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My mate dan cracked his Monty Pr (DAN MORE on the forum) he got his replaced under warranty but I don't know where he bought the bike from brand new, As some shops may have different rules of warranty. But he got it replaced free of charge so I reckon if you still had the reciept for it, you could get a replacement.

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They must be so weak because i seen a couple of people do this. they need to make these frames a little stronger :D

Well I reckon they can't make it too strong as then it could be stronger than the Ti frames.

It could mean that: 'When you snap your Pr, Upgade to a Ti!' ,which maybe monty want? I don't know But yeah I do understand that Montys need to be stronger, even though they are comp frames.

Edited by nile71091
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I dont understand this, oh well its comp frame buisness.

Surely in a competion your frame has got to be as strong as a street frame ? the comp videos that i have seen havnt been less demanding on bikes than in street videos.

I suppose it could be the weight thing BUT deng frames ect are light enough.


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Well I reckon they can't make it too strong as then it could be stronger than the Ti frames.

It could mean that: 'When you snap your Pr, Upgade to a Ti!' ,which maybe monty want? I don't know But yeah I do understand that Montys need to be stronger, even though they are comp frames.

you do realise the 'Ti' frames arent made out of titanium ye??

anyway, ring tarty and get it sorted out,

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