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Monty 221 Ti 08

monty boi

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Comas owned for years on 'short' (1000mm Wheelbase) monty's though so the fact that he ride's it isn't really proof that it's longer is it. I do remember someone who rode in europe in the early stages of it's development said it was long, I don't deny it may be, but I wouldn't be so sure...

The cesar canas was monty's top mod rider and so the 221 was design to his liking. Now Dani is the World Champ and cesar is on a stock it gives dani the choice of geo to suit him.

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I don't believe the geometry of Montys were tailored to Canas. After all Ot Pi was the world champion for ages and his father owns Monty.

And again, I doubt that after Comas became Monty's top rider, he decided to change the geometry of the whole bike. Indeed his Monty looks way longer but these people can get custom bikes anyway which doesn't mean that's a production model. Look at Bealey for example, from all I know his frame is custom.

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it may look long because the frame is so small.................maybe?

i like the look of it, and the 26" is very nice, would not mind having a 26" dual disc (Y):) it would be pretty kool, would have to do all the modifying and drilling that Cesar does though :D did look very nice, i bet Cesar weighed less than 10kg. it felt like a mod when you picked it up.


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