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Hi Everybody, its a newbee here ^_^ . great forum by the way. I have a question that I would like some help on please. I am very new to this ( push bike thing ) but I thought I would give it a go as I need the exersise I bought a bike about 2 weeks ago, I would tell you the make but I know I would get a laughed at... but I would say it is a 26" Trials bike. I can know balance reasonably well and also do tiny little pivot turns on the front and rear and I am now at the stage that I would like to try and get onto the back wheel using a peddal kick? ( i think ). What gear should I be using to do this? The bike has a 21 tooth chain ring on the front. What gearing do you guys use when you ride? I have watched lots of vids and you all make seem so easy to pop the front wheel up into the air. Thanks in advance. (Y)

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21t chainring seems a little odd, it's most likely 20 or 22 to be honest.

Fairly normal gearing options are 22:18/22:19, or 20:17 (give or take a tooth or so, as obviously there's an element of personal preference to it)

I see you're from Bristol. If possible, come out for a ride tomorrow, as a few of us should be out and about, and we'll be happy to explain a few things/get you on your way :)

Oh, and what's the bike?! :P

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The MAD 2.Six is actually a pretty good bike you know! My brother baught one a few months ago and he loves it. I have had a play about on it and we found 4th or 5th to be nice gears for it. The problem we found is that there is such a gap between the chainring and bashring that the chain often ends up in it when you are past 4th on the cassette. If you have any questions or issues I can easily take pictures to help you! (but now I have to get back to work!)

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hey I'm from Bristol i live in the fishponds area (not far from the university) i just started riding to but haven't got bike made up (waiting to buy some new stuff) i hear alot of people do the trick you are tying to do in gear four but really its what ever u find easiest i recommend you just go out side an go through the gears tyring it (so start in gear 1 then 3 and so on) you should find it easy an nice bike you wont get laughed at good luck on that trick hope u master it

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Thanks for the reply, very helpful (Y) . Yes I am in bristol, and thanks for the offer but Im pre-booked ( work related stuff ) for tomorrow, I see you are at uni, I work in the uni so may I be able to hook up someother time if thats ok with you. Oh yes I got a saracen mad 2.six :$

nothing wrong with those bikes for starters.

check out trashzen.com for tips on techniques etc

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Really get good at being able to just balance on the spot ( trackstand ) with your wheels on the ground and making the correction nivements with your backwheel when your going to oneside. It is a great help id being good at that because that balance on to wheels helps when your just on the back one. If you watch videos people natural are able to just balance and not be correction hopeing everywhere and look like your having a fit which it does look like abit when your just learning. It will all come in time and with practice but just make sure your good at that and your not trying to jump ahead of your self to much. Like said above 21 seems abit odd so more likely its a 22 i would think. Some people like hard gearing others like soft gearing, if you like hard gearing then go with 22 on the front and 18 on the back. If you like soft then 20 on the back. I would say go with the 20 as it will help you bring the front end up lot easier while your still learning. If it is a 20 on the front you have got then use 16/17 for hard gearing 18 for soft.

Dont beat yourself up over pedal kicking if you cant get it at first as it does take alot of perfecting to be at the stage where you can do it with out thinking and turn comfortably on the back wheel ect. Make sure you use one finger on the brake and not 2 or more this gives you more fingers hold the grips so a stronger grip and less chance of going flying off the back during a move. Alot of beginers find it alot easier when learning this move to do a rock motion to get the front wheel up, by rocking so you wieght is over the front and the back wheel comes off the ground slightly and then leaning back and bringing the front up. As soon as you feel the front come up slightly let go of the back brake and at the same time kick on the pedals; when you kick on the pedals you want to bring the bars into you body at the sametime. Then lock your back brake and your bars will go back out away from your body and then you can do another. After a while you will probley find you dont need to do the rocking motion and you can just kick striaght off the ground to get up to your back wheel the same techneic is used. Practice at getting really good at doing them in a line accross the street ect once you can do them comfortably practice doing smaller hops forward getting smaller and smaller and eventually you will be nearly doing them on the spot. Doing them on the spot generally doesnt involve a kick and more using your upper body strenght to hop the bike on the spot. Make sure you dont get ahead of yourself and get your self wound up it take a while to be at the point where you can do it without even thinking.

Just remember its all down to practice practice and more practice. Try getting out on rides if you dont have others to ride with such as mates who do it as people can tell you how to do a move and what your doing wrong and speed up learning.

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Thanks for the reply, very helpful (Y) . Yes I am in bristol, and thanks for the offer but Im pre-booked ( work related stuff ) for tomorrow, I see you are at uni, I work in the uni so may I be able to hook up someother time if thats ok with you. Oh yes I got a saracen mad 2.six :$

Sounds good

What are you doing at the Uni? Might be able to pop by and say hi at some point...

Ride Saturday maybe?!

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You might find this abit odd but i love to have a harder gearing i ride 22:16 just because i didnt have a 18t one time so i used a 16 and i have just stuck with it.

You bike is a good bike to get started on mate.

As that comment says a couple up dont jump in at the deep end with pedal kicking that will come in time what i would do is try and ride up curbs and dont hit you back tyre then go onto little planters or things then i went to pure hoping and then to hoping on the back wheel and i think i have coome out better then some.



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