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Water Bleed


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well just wondering are they good? because some say that a water bleeds are crap and you should never do them but i think there fine the brake works jsut as it should.. just want to know what others think really. cheers, matt

DO IT (Y) they work amazingly!! Enough said P.s only in a maggies, you do it to a hydro disk it dies

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They do work better but if you do bleed it with water make sure you put anti-freeze in during winter.

;) Some people say the antifreeze isn't good for the internals but despite the fact theres no eveidence to state otherwise, it won't harm to reduce the amount of time its in the system for.

I use water, it feels much nicer than oil and i havn't had a problem because of it yet in over 2 years.

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The people that say they are shit are the people that dont understand that water contains alot of oxygen (air)

So you need to distill the water and put some antifreeze in, also a bath bleed is better than using a syringe because the bath is easier and works better and no air gets in the system.

Edited by chocolate_bikes
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The people that say they are shit are the people that dont understand that water contains alot of oxygen (air)

Then those people are idiots... just Becuase its H2O doesnt mean it shares any of the traits of O. Like CO2 wont kill you, but CO3 will. its acts totally differently when its differently chemically bonded. And unless your planning to put and +ve and -ve electrodes in your brake to seperate the 2H and he O in the water... then it wont act like O as a gas...

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The people that say they are shit are the people that dont understand that water contains alot of oxygen molecules(oxygen is a part of air, air on a whole is made up of various gases essential to most organsims survival)

You sir, are a tit. You don't understand something properly yourself then advise others its bad.

As simpson said, oxygen molecules make up a part of air, and they make up a part of water. Just because water contains oxygen molecules, doesn't mean theres air in it... in fact, quite the opposite. The oxygen molecules are bonded chemically to the hydrogen ones and the combined 3 molecules make up a globule of water. The only way air gets trapped in water is if its forced, so by splashing your hand up and down in the water or pulling the syringe back too quickly will both leave you with air bubbles trapped in the water. Over time though these bubbles will move and collect in a pocket of air, which can be expelled from the syringe easily enough.

Has anyone water bled the echo rim brakes?

Yep, done about 3 different ones now (i seem to take on the role of mechanic while on group rides ^_^ ). Doesn't seem to have been a problem with any of them.

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I havent read all the topic, But I dnt see what all this fuss is about! and YES I have bleed with water, It was more hastle than its worth. The seals went withing about 3-4 months, and the cylinders went lazy. I say use maggie blood, thats what its trhere for.

Well thats my opinion!

Isn't maggie blood designed to be a fluid to work in all weather conditions, a standard fluid that will work even if they sell the brake to someone in canada? Much in the same way black pads are the standard.... i bet your not still running magura black pads though ;)

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Isn't maggie blood designed to be a fluid to work in all weather conditions, a standard fluid that will work even if they sell the brake to someone in canada? Much in the same way black pads are the standard.... i bet your not still running magura black pads though ;)

Also, how many trials riders lube their King hubs with the suggested lube? Everyone uses a much lighter lube because it works better for trials.

I have run water in mine for AAAAAAAAAAAGES and seals are fine, I normally re-bleed every 4 months or so and spray all the cylinders with some WD40 make sure they all move smoothly and to clean it abit.

You can also bleed with WD40, which has a nice feel to it.

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Also, how many trials riders lube their King hubs with the suggested lube? Everyone uses a much lighter lube because it works better for trials.

Exactly, perfect example dude.

No need for that

Yeah there was. If i went around saying monty's are shit because they're expensive and they all crack i'd be a tit. If i tripped up a curb i'd be a tit. If i tried to write with a pen upside down i'd be a tit. Its not a harsh statement, just something along the lines of a fool.

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Yeah there was. If i went around saying monty's are shit because they're expensive and they all crack i'd be a tit. If i tripped up a curb i'd be a tit. If i tried to write with a pen upside down i'd be a tit. Its not a harsh statement, just something along the lines of a fool.

So im not in the right for saying,when you run water into the bath the force of the water coming out the tap into the bath water creates oxygen bubbles,(you can see it happen when you run a bath) which then dissolves into the water (or rises) so when you bleed your brake, air can get in.....

Edited by chocolate_bikes
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end of the day its your brake, its your choice - I bleed mine with water but im not convinced they last long enough (Im lazy)

All you get on forums are arguments formed over opinions, No one knows nearly enough to state that "this will work" or "this wont work" on this topic.

Give it a go, see if you like it, If you dont - rebleed with magura/lhm blood.


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