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The Late Night Thread.


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I know what you mean man. I don't actually smoke the stuff any more 'cause i realised i was going a bit to far when i started doing nothing but bongs all day.

Then i realised i was being a drain on society, so i bucked up my ideas. Now on the occasion i do smoke it it's a proper spliff to relax me.

Yeh i was in the same boat as you last year for a while and again for a while the year before but i got my act together as soon as i met the missus. doesnt fuss me either way anymore, hasnt done for months now.

Its just nice to relax now with it rather than getting minced.

But if it was legal i would love to grow full strenght weed. 1. for the weed and 2. because it would be a brilliant hobby

Tending and caring for another living thing to get the best out of it and watchin it grow till the end. When its done you can think to yourself, i grew that and im proud i managed it, makes you appreciate things more if you get me.

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You appreciate it more and it goes alot further becasue its homegrown and IMO personal growers do no harm to anyone, there all just sick fed up of street weed and extortionate(sp) prices

I can fully understand the fact of commercial growing being one of the main reasons behind not legalizing it for the government but then again if they did make it legal that would pretty much get rid of that aswell, dont you think?

Edited by TB_Python
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Yeah man. Did you watch that programme on bbc3 a few weeks ago where they had that guy on it who had been growing his own for like 20 years and he got let off once casue the judge said he was just a connisure(sp)?

And yeah if they made it so you had to have a licence to grow it. And kept the same punishment for cultivating it without a licence as the have for cultivation now i could see it working

Edited by sideburns(dnt ask)
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Yeah man. Did you watch that programme on bbc3 a few weeks ago where they had that guy on it who had been growing his own for like 20 years and he got let off once casue the judge said he was just a connisure(sp)?

And yeah if they made it so you had to have a licence to grow it. And kept the same punishment for cultivating it without a licence as the have for cultivation now i could see it working

Ofcourse i watched it lol

Im pro cannabis all the way, i spend 80% of my spare time researching cannabis and the laws and just general growing for a bit of extra knowledge

You can never know to much as the say knowledge is power. . . . . . . apparently

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Knowledge is power my friend.

I must say you seem to care a great deal about cannabis more than me. One thing that interests me is the phsycological side of it all.

How when your stoned you seem to be a lot more passionate about whatever subject your talking about.

and i've always found that i always seem to end up contemplating the world with whoever i'm with when i'm stoned.

It's those talks which i find fasinating.

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Knowledge is power my friend.

I must say you seem to care a great deal about cannabis more than me. One thing that interests me is the phsycological side of it all.

How when your stoned you seem to be a lot more passionate about whatever subject your talking about.

and i've always found that i always seem to end up contemplating the world with whoever i'm with when i'm stoned.

It's those talks which i find fasinating.

Yes i certainly am . . . even more so because i hate the goverments attitude towards people like myself who enjoy a smoke and cause no harm.

thats the wonder of cannabis, you see the world in a whole different perspective and a new light if you get me?

Its a wonderfull thing if used correctly and not just for the sake of gettin stoned

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Exactly. If all the worlds leaders sat down together and smoked a few then this worlds problems would be at the very least halved.

Also i find that i do some of my best artwork when i'm high.

I just wish that people would put down their guns and pick up their skins :)

Youve hit the nail on the head there mate.

Yeh i know what you mean, its because your mind is usually at its most creative when your high, you beileve anything you want to do is possible without acting like a moron while on it.

Yeh dam right, legalizing it would stop nearly all of the crime associated with cannabis overall, wouldn't you agree?

christ seems like im talking to one of me friends here lol its good times finding people i dont know but share the same views with.

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Mate i do agree that most of the cannabis related crime would hit a signifigant decrease (theres always the twats that ruin it)

Plus hopefully it would help to remove some of the stigma that all kids are always high and causing trouble.

and also i kinda see it like everyone on this forum has a connnection through trials, all stoners share a connection through their love of the herb :)

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Mate i do agree that most of the cannabis related crime would hit a signifigant decrease (theres always the twats that ruin it)

Plus hopefully it would help to remove some of the stigma that all kids are always high and causing trouble.

and also i kinda see it like everyone on this forum has a connnection through trials, all stoners share a connection through their love of the herb :)

Precisely mate

Proper stoners that know there stuff are in it for no one but themselves, doing no harm to anyone else and they respect that not everyone likes it and its there choice not to take it. No need to put anyone under any peer pressure, if they dont want to then they dont have to, simple as.

Yeh exactly stoners have an automatic connection with each other and dont cause any trouble with any other stoners because whats the point, its easier to make friends than enemies.

You just have to have a bit of bloody common sense IMO

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Exactly. People need to realise that there's a big difference between people that smoke it 'cause they love the plant, and people that smoke it 'cause they is 'ard.

It's those people that ruin it for everyone else

Exactly, its the little f**king chavs and that, that give it its bad name fo'sure

Because im from the north of scotland, where i live theres no so much gangs as such, just groups which is really good to be honest, i couldnt imagine living on an estate down south to be honest i wouldnt last 5 mins and that why really lol.

But the government pick up all there bullshit from the way the gangs down south go around punting drugs and shit. im not tarring everyone down south with the same brush dont get me wrong. hopefully you'll know what i mean ?

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Yeah man i think i know exactly where your comming from. They're only looking at the significantly negative effects of the drug culture instead of what could be the positive

and potentially lucrative side of the cannabis trade. Is that it?

(btw i think we've officially hijacked the late night thread)

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Yeah man i think i know exactly where your comming from. They're only looking at the significantly negative effects of the drug culture instead of what could be the positive

and potentially lucrative side of the cannabis trade. Is that it?

(btw i think we've officially hijacked the late night thread)

Yeh thats it, how it makes them look, feel and how much money can be made and f**k everyone else. like they go out everyman for himself.

Aye would have to agree, we have taken it over, probs the most action its seen in months :L well were talking about a very adequate(sp) subject to be honest.

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Yeah man, to be honest it's a shame that the incessant babbling of two guys on a forum dedicated to bikes with no seats can't change the way our countrys run.

We'd have our country out the shit in no time at all haha.

Yeh i know what you mean, its just good to let of some steam to someone who agrees with whats been said about it, i think so anyway.

Och easily mun, a 2 year old could run the country better than the one eyed bandit :L

Its all because the police are bound by there own laws pretty much regarding drugs (i.e smack/crack) you know what i mean. I gaurantee that a group of vigilantes employed under the government so they have only a few set restrictions in every town and city could clean up the smack habit in britian within a year.

I think so anway, it would be easily done up my way anyway.

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We are trying to ease the world of the arguments my friend. :)

and yeah where im based the smack/crack is getting a lot worse but people need to stop being so pc with the people who chose to go down that route and give them help but don't let them take the piss and don't let them use some of the bullshit excuses they come out with (that's down my way anyways)


Edited by sideburns(dnt ask)
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Exactly man. and yes we probably are complete hippies but thats what makes us happy. :)

Yeh deffo, just chilled out people that arn't blind to the fact that this country is a disgrace, full stop.

And aslong as labour are in power it will continue to be a disgrace and get worse as the years go on.

Lib dems for the win, if for any reason its because there pro cannabis and want to legalize and tax it because they know the good it will actually do for the drugs world in cracking down on it and not cause an up roor about cannabis with stupid laws.

When id say a few that i cant name of the top of my head atm dont even make any sense, there just there to shit peopl up a bit.

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Yeah man, It's getting to the stage for me where im beginning to loose all respect for my country and that thought actually depressess me.

And it's not just the drugs issue it's everything else aswell. Take housing for instance, come monday i'm getting evicted 'cause in the resseccesion i lost my job and so did my sister(both same company) and despite the face that i've lived in this country all my life have always had a full time job since the day i left school, i'm told that in all reality they will house illegal immigrants before they will find me and my sister (who is mentally ill) a place to live. I didn't mean to sound like a daily mail reader there but i do think we need a government who will put the welfare of the citizens of this country before those of people who come here without being granted official asylum and have no intention of working.

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