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One Shortcut, Two Folders


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Hey guys,

I have two folders on my computer which contain files of the same type. Each of these folders is on a different HDD and therefore I have to access each one seperately with their own shortcuts. My question is this - can I create some kind of shortcut whereby when I click it, I get a window opened which contains all the files from both of those folders?


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open notepad

copy& paste this into it

Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run "explorer.exe c:\porn" , 1
objShell.Run "explorer.exe " & objShell.SpecialFolders.Item("MyDocuments"), 1
objShell.Run "explorer.exe " & objShell.SpecialFolders.Item("Desktop"), 1
objShell.Run "explorer.exe " & objShell.SpecialFolders.Item("MyDocuments") & "\porn", 1

save the file as mylovelyshortcutthatopenslotsoffolders.vbs or something

When you double click on it, 4 explorer windows will magically open - one on your c:\porn folder, one on your documents, one on your desktop and one on your other porn folder.

delete and edit things as required - if you balls it up don't come running to me :P

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