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Bunnyhop Help

dirt jumper jake

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Just keep practicing, and usually you have to pull up earlier than you might think, it just takes practice at getting the technique. Theres no real trick to it as its done just as you would think. If you find it hard to pull the fornt end up may be try a stem with more rise.

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Normal bunnyhop = just jump upwards.

American bunnyhop = Do a small manual and then tuck the back wheel up under you when you need to.

Look on trashzen It's so helpful with riding, especially when you're fairly new to the sport.

Just keep practising the move!

jump upwards: i do but the bike doesnt go with me aswell

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jump upwards: i do but the bike doesnt go with me aswell

Ok, I expect there's something in Wiki about this but just for you I'll give a little info here... Basically, to make the bike come up with you you need to practice 'unweighting' the bike. Start by standing over your bike (holding the bars), one foot on the floor and your foot which is usually at the back (not your favourite foot) on the pedal. Now point your toe to the ground while pushing back on the pedal. You should be able to lift the rear wheel by just lifting your foot. The friction created by the angle and pressure of your foot on the pedal allows you to pull the bike up with you. It uses some wierd muscles if your not used to it but you get the idea.

Ok, now try it while riding the bike. First off just roll along and use your back foot to lift the back wheel alone. Shifting your weight forward a bit will make that easier. That is the basis of how you lift the bike to do a bunnyhop. The rest is as has been described and can be found on t'internet.

Good luck and keep practicing!!


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what kind of bunnyhop u trying?

the best way is to pull up on the bars, then point your toes to the ground and kinda pull your rear tyre up.

it is kinda hard to explain but just practice and u will get it in time.

i cant side hop up objects but if i was to ride head on at the same thing i could do it piss easy, so it is just something you can get but sometimes or you cant but practice is the only way.

a dvd to get would be "the art of trials" by "Ryan Leeh", it gives u tips on everything realy, but if u want somthing wich is a bit old school but funny would be "tricks and stunts" by "Martin Ashton" and "Martyn Hawyes" i still look back at the dvds now and again for some riding ideas and tips.

but rememeber have fun

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Does any one have any recomendations about hopping on the back wheel as ive been watching a ryan leech clip on youtube but i cant get the brakes right

What you mean you cant get the brakes right ? do you mean backhoping or kick hopping

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