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Front Or Rear Freewheel


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If you run a rear freewheel on a Mod, you'll generally have to run a larger ring at the cranks to get the correct gear ratio, say you had a 18tooth freewheel an you ran it on the rear, you'd need 27tooth ring on the front to get the gear ratio of 1.5, an a larger 30tooth ring is not desired because of clearance over objects. You can use a rear freewheel on a Stock no problem because of the ground clearance difference and because of the difference in wheel size, stocks run a lower gear ratio to mods.

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yeah with a ffw you can run tighter ratios and smaller chainrings. It makes you have more bb clearance for rideups and stuff.

Though it does put more pressure on the chain your should be replacing your chain atleast, ATLEAST!! once a year.

I think that front freewheels are better for dedicated trials frames, but i find that with more streety bikes the chain line gets really freaky.

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Another shit thing with front freewheels (i run one) when your flying down a hill and your jeans get sucked in, i once had to ring my mate to bring some scissors with him to cut my pants off because i was halfway to his house lying in the middle of the pavement, ill try and find a pic LOL!

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