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Hd Tv With Ps3


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Hi there,

Right I've just got a 19inch HD TV to play my playstation 3 on. The correct aspect ration is 16:9, however the TV is 16:10 giving a streatched image.

I took the TV back to Comet explained the problem and had a look at the other TVs to pick a replacement. I found that all of the 19 inch TVs have a screen size of 16 by 10 inches. I asked a guy in there about this and he didn't really know so I tried another TV in the hope that when it was given an HDMI signal it would display the correct aspect ratio (perhaps with black bars top and bottom to remove the extra inch to make it 16:9 not 16:10).

I have found it is exactly the same giving a 16:10 picture!

I am very supprised that most TVs seem to be this way as the standard wide screen picture is 16:9, I would assume that TVs would be either 4:3 or 16:9, but 16:10 - who's crazy idea is that?

I know it's not a massive amount but it is a noticable streathing of the picture and I'm used to my HD projector that displays the correct 16:9 picture.

Does anyone know anything about this?

Can you get 16:9 TVs?

Cheers (Y)

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16:10 TVs such as the 19inch you were talking about are more destined to be used as computer monitors or 'media center' sreens.

The sligthly different ratio means that you can view a widescreen image whilst having the toolbars open at the same time, without sacraficing any of the useful horizontal width.

Anyway, get a 26", anything less is a waste, you won't even notice it's HD...

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My 32"LG has 16:9 format which i use with a ps3.i presume you have played around with the aspects as there will be others.

On their website it has all the information on their tvs some of the 19" ones have 16:9 ratio.


Yeah I've tried messing with the settings - It says 4:3 and 16:9 but the 16:9 gives me 16:10!

Although the spec on the comet site and the info in store says "16:9 format" when you get the TV and look in the spec in the manual is says "aspect ratio 16:10". They seem to be printing the wrong spec!

16:10 TVs such as the 19inch you were talking about are more destined to be used as computer monitors or 'media center' sreens.

The sligthly different ratio means that you can view a widescreen image whilst having the toolbars open at the same time, without sacraficing any of the useful horizontal width.

Anyway, get a 26", anything less is a waste, you won't even notice it's HD...

Funny though, all of the 19 inch TVs in the comet store have a screen size of 16:10 - although most can be used as monitors, they are sold as TVs. I guess that would make sense for a PC monitor but not for a TV. My projector can be used as a PC monitor but it still has a 16:9 screen size.

As it is for playing games and just to save me using my projector all the time, 19 inch is big enough and as I sit fairy close to the screen I can definitely see all of the resolution!

Given that it is a TV, in my view the screen should be 16:9. To have 16:10 just seems mad to me.

Cheers, (Y)

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