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Freewheel And Wheel Problems


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Well i was having some trouble with my czar hub the snail cam was rubing against the back sprocket so i changed the wheel to a zhi rim and a zhi hub which i had in my shed and i put it on and tightened my chain and all, But for some reason everytime i kick hard to go for i gap the chain skips off but if i am doing really small gaps it doesnt affect it in the slightest and it is'nt that my chain is loose because i kept tightning it but still skipping off. So could someone tell me what is wrong and how to keep the chain from skipping off the sprocket and freewheel.

Craig :)

Edited by czarcraig
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Could be the chainline and if so theres not much you can do really, other than a different hub sprocket or bb to help line it up more.

Yeah that is what i thought it was to start with but i looked and it is lined up perfect but i was out out in my garden on the pallets on it for a wee while and it didnt skip off but i still don't want to go for gaps incase it skips and i brake my wrists like scott done. There is still something wrong though i can hear it when i spin the wheel it is sort of a clicking noise and no it is'nt my freewheel if someone was thinking of writing that :giggle:

Craig :)

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Alright guys,

found what was wrong with it the sproket on the hub was'nt tightend so tightend it up and it has'nt haqppened since but thanks for you guys help anyway nice to see people are haqppy to help riders that are stuck with bike problems (Y).

Craig :)

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Yeah that is what i thought it was to start with but i looked and it is lined up perfect but i was out out in my garden on the pallets on it for a wee while and it didnt skip off but i still don't want to go for gaps incase it skips and i brake my wrists like scott done. There is still something wrong though i can hear it when i spin the wheel it is sort of a clicking noise and no it is'nt my freewheel if someone was thinking of writing that :giggle:

:( It's still not funny yet.

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