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Pimping A Cheap Bike

gu trials

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LoL this is probably stupid but a while back i was thinking of getting a cheap bike e.g onza t-bird, da bomb, monty 219 alp and pimping it fully with a eno or chris king and dual hopes and that but then i thought is it a waste of money or would it be a really good bike ? so basically putting all top of the range things on a crap frame haha.

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If the frame geometry is right then you probably won't notice too much that the frame is cheap (Apart from the weight and having it snap a lot). For XC style bikes you can get away with this sort of thing, but if you're spending serious ca$h on parts for the bike you might as well get a frame worth putting them on. Cheap frames are for jumping into lakes...

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You get what you pay for.

It's not so much the case now, but quite a while ago, if you bought a cheap trials frame, the geometry would be utter shite. Onza springs to mind, in roughly 2001-2003 basically all thier frames rode quite badly compared to what was also on the market at the same time, then they sort of caught on and decided to copy Koxx with the Levelboss/T-pro and then Zoo! with the Pitbull/T-Rex and the rest is history, now we even have Zona and all that. Even still, why do they still make and sell the T-Bird? They should just put all the cheaper parts onto a T-Pro frame and get rid of the T-Bird all together.

Could be slightly biased, as I'm not a mod fan ^_^

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