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Help A Noob


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Hello guys, over the last week my wifes cousins son ( who is 18 ) has been learning to ride trials after seeing me on my bike ( not any good for trials ) doing some small stuff, he got right into it and bought himself a old Onza 26" bike, great i thought i can teach him and then i'll have a riding buddy when i eventualy get my trials bike yey.

So in less than a couple of hours i had him doing trackstand and pivot on back wheel easily, he can even hop up a large curb ( about 12" ) but thats it after that he goes all to bits.

His balance is realy realy bad ive tryed all i know to get him some balance, like showing him how to use your legs/knees to balance you on the back wheel etc, but fore some reason its like he's drunk ?

He's becoming frustrated with his balance and also after hoping up a 12" curb he cant go any higher...

Anyway i thought id ask on here so you pro's can give me/him some advise, maybe on how to improve his balance or hops or even something else to keep him improving.

Any help will be much apreciated by us both and it may also be good for our new riders on the forum.

Thankyou all in advance for any input :)

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I'm far from a pro :P, but for balancing i'd say it helps if you lower your body, lean the front wheel to the side, and frequently tap the front brake to create a rocking motion. Other than that, like everyone says practice makes perfect. Observe the pros if there not going to write in here, you should be able to learn off them via Pootube.

Edited by Sonny Clarke
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What tyre pressures is he using?

Us trials rider run really low pressures, for example mine is normally about 10-15 psi, which helps alot with balance. On a 26" wheel, depending on his weight, id say put about 20ish psi in there. That should help if he has not been using low pressures.

Also, tell him to find a slight up hill, and trackstand brakeless, i say up a hill, cuz it allows you to use your legs more, like keep your bike in the same position, and rock a little bit.

And liek others said, watch people who are better than you. Its always helped me. And if you can find any slow-mo vids, for techniques aswell. Good to follow techniques from pro's etc, to stop yourself from getting into bad habbits.

But yeahh, take care, always wear your helmet, and ride as often as possible!

Hope i helped


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Good tips guys thnx, lol the tyre pressure actualy helped me hehe i had the tyres at 40psi droped to 30 then 26psi and it is great, but on my bike which aint a trials bike there still 40 cos the sidewalls collaps too easilly with the DMR Moto diggers :S

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