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Is The Onza T-mag Good?


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Does anyone know if the onza t-mag is good?

Iv got and onza t-mag and its the best the brakes on it are f***ing good the front brake when it beds in its very powerfull I would recomend getting one.


Hello, there are ok but i would not get one if you no what i mean the brakes are the best but its the frame what spoils it.



How and why does the frame spoil it?

Edited by Jj Barrett
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Iv got and onza t-mag and its the best the brakes on it are f***ing good the front brake when it beds in its very powerfull I would recomend getting one.


How and why does the frame spoil it?

err how about the shocking way it rides, dont think ive ever ridden a trials specific bike that was worse :blink:

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Yeah lush, pay £750 for a bike becuase it has 1 good brake. Nice.. the back brake pads are rubbish for a starters.. might aswell pay extra £100 for an echo lite and there you go.. you got a bike forever without needing to upgrade.

Iv got and onza t-mag and its the best the brakes on it are f***ing good the front brake when it beds in its very powerfull I would recomend getting one.


How and why does the frame spoil it?

Also, how can you say its the best? Your to young in the trials world to even know what a decent bike rides like so..

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My mate used to have one, so I rode it a lot, and it was horrid. The bb was too low, the forks were too short and too heavy, (fall guys), the list went on.

Buy second hand if you've got £500 to spend on a bike, you'll get a much better value bike for your money.

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What year? Muel is talking about the £500ish 2005 Model. The 2008 Model Model is £750 in a dam sight better spec.

Yeh your right there, it is much nicer looking.

I think I was a bit harsh, I did think it was horrid but I've always hated short, low bb bikes anyway. They frame seems quite strong these days since they changed the front bashplate gusset, I can't actually remember seeing a newer one breaking, so thats one less thing to worry about.

Have you changed the frames for 2008 then?

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