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Forks Curved Or Straight

jewish james

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curved and straight bladed forks are the same rake (wheelbase is the same) so it just comes down to looks.

How is it possible for them to keep the same wheelbase?

I just cant understand it :)

The bent one HAS to make the wheelbase longer hehe..

Please explain it to me!


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How is it possible for them to keep the same wheelbase?

I just cant understand it :)

The bent one HAS to make the wheelbase longer hehe..

Please explain it to me!


Straight blade have angled shoulders to bring the legs forward so you are getting the same wheelbase.

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How is it possible for them to keep the same wheelbase?

I just cant understand it :)

The bent one HAS to make the wheelbase longer hehe..

I have attached a picture to explain - X and Y are the same in both forks, just the legs are welded onto the steerer tube at a different angle.


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I've wondered this, now even more with the release of the Odyssey Director forks. There bmx by the way. This fork is straight blade (similar in shape to the Echo Urban). The point being, they're advertised as being stronger than regular forks, which are straight blade with have offset dropouts. So i presume most of the stress is directed to the weld at the shoulders. But then the fork is chromo based and under goes loads of heat treatment.

But then that could be a real bad example 'cause of the different metals and the normal bmx fork i'm comparing to.

But in comparing just the two forks that you mention i'm pretty sure there's a definite strength difference. By how much and where mainly i have no idea. You could take into consideration the bonded steerer tube join which would take away some of the stress as it's more likely to flex than a 1 piece model. I'd also say the straight fork would take any stress straight to the shoulders then the weld (or the dropouts). The curved fork would be a hard one to guess at, depending on the material property, the fork legs could take the stress but if the material was soild (if you like) then the stress would get directed some place else.

I think the general thought in trials is the straight blade is stronger. Well from i hear and read that's what i presume. And that's from comparing say an Echo Lite/ Pure/ Control fork to the Echo Urban.

But i'm no engineer so feel free to you know what :P

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