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Wild Edit


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Hi guys!

I'm generaly making a vid at the end of the season so here it is! unfortunatly I could not film alot of moves at the end of the season so I took nearly all the clips I had film during the summer...

Tell me what you think about it! ;)




here are some shot from this summer... editing was made abit fast though.



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ебать копать:) - ты сначала в Сибирь сгонзай! - а то бля все сука жалуются дорого ехать! - а в канаду бля 15 копеек!

Really good filming and editing!

I like this style of its.

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ебать копать:) - ты сначала в Сибирь сгонзай! - а то бля все сука жалуются дорого ехать! - а в канаду бля 15 копеек!

Really good filming and editing!

I like this style of its.

Нука не пиздеть тут на русском)

если я еду в америку вот уже в 8й раз то почему бы мне в канадо на машине не сгонять?

Sorry guys for this situation. Taras is so sensetive sometimes :P

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thanks guys!

You guys can show up at anytime in Canada and i"ll ride with you! but I would not recommend you to come at the moment... it's freezing!

Нука не пиздеть тут на русском)

если я еду в америку вот уже в 8й раз то почему бы мне в канадо на машине не сгонять?

Sorry guys for this situation. Taras is so sensetive sometimes :P


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Nice vid, obvious effort put into both the riding and post.

You were after some feedback, these are my immediate thoughts, feel free to ignore them! I know its very easy to criticise over the net, and having not been there when shooting or knowing what problems you may be working around. Anyway...

Music worked well, good pace for you riding, and you tied it into the riding well with the visual effects. Might be cool to see more of a build up to the riding, or maybe a break down in the middle of the vid? Generally a change of pace of riding at some point during the vid helps it stay interesting for the duration. I can see you've worked very hard to sync your visual effects to the riding, would possibly also be a nice idea to sync more of the riding to the music, landing gaps on beats maybe, or more obvious time bending exaggerate moves synced to music.

The visual effects looked very 'slick', lots of motion blur and diffusion helping this along. I especially liked the pull through a yellow cast to black and white you did, and I think you did the same through blue, timed with music well and looked great. I wasn't so keen on the blurring with the beats you did in the 2nd half of the video, just felt a bit too harsh. Maybe worth blurring on just the first of the 3 beats then adjusting it, rather than three separate blurs you applied. I wasn't too keen on the black flashes, I think with the rest of your video style a jump cut would have worked better. I liked the shots at night, on the little slope by fence. At one stage you'd colour corrected the shot to enhance yourself, and it looked much better than the others, much clearer and with better 'feel', why didn't you do this for all the shots in the location?

Intro graphics were nice, and very well executed. I'm presuming you've used afx for most of the heavy video effects work in this vid?

Overall the level of video effects work was great, but the video felt a bit disjointed. It almost had a feel of 'I've learnt how to do all these fantastic slick effects, now I'll put them ALL on this video'. I personally feel if you'd stuck to a few concept effects, possibly changing pace and effect style in the middle the video would have hung together better. An example being your into, the first graphic came out of the falling water, and I feel it would have looked better to have the second graphic do the same, maybe out of a different stream of water. The clouds thing looked great, but maybe keep that for the end, or next video? The colour changes and speed changes were lovely, so why not use them for most of the video, save the flashes and blur for another video, or maybe save them for a middle section of video, maybe for a key change in the song, or a change of pace of riding.

In reference to the intro and on a similar theme, it would have been great if the video had started with riding in the rain after that intro, otherwise what did the intro really bring to the video? It didn't relate to anything else about the riding. It didn't tell you anything about the video. If it was simply a shot to hold your first graphic, then it needn't have been more than a single raining shot with the graphic coming out of the water.

I know there's a lot of waffling there. I hope some of its useful, and received in the way it was intended, in order to help you with the next video and to make it even better :)

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WOW! that was a comment! thanks a lot!

I'd like to develop on some of your points, but because of my english not being so good I'll keep it short.

First of all I'd like to tell you that your comment was realy helpfull! I do understand every aspects that your are pointing out and it confirms a lot of my thoughts!

most of my "errors" (lets call them like this) where because of the fact I didn't film enough. yeah lame excuse but it is... as for the build up to the riding I think your right it would be nice and for the brake down too! I did not thought about this one.

Maybe worth blurring on just the first of the 3 beats then adjusting it, rather than three separate blurs you applied.

good, taking notes, but it was one of my concerns. I Was not so sure about it sometimes, but I didn't know how to make it better. thanks!

I liked the shots at night, on the little slope by fence. At one stage you'd colour corrected the shot to enhance yourself, and it looked much better than the others, much clearer and with better 'feel', why didn't you do this for all the shots in the location?

I'm not sure what you mean? I believe you are talking about the effect that make it look darker on the sides...? if that's what you say, it was made on every shot shot by the fence, except the first ones were the only color is my green shirt, and it's because of the intensity of the night that we dont see so much difenrence.

Intro graphics were nice, and very well executed. I'm presuming you've used afx for most of the heavy video effects work in this vid?

I only have used sony vegas 7, I don't know what is afx, but I'd like to know more!!

As for the video that felt a bit disjointed, I'm kind of sad I made this type of video. I don't like when video are over edited, but I don't like when there is no editing... it's finding the middle point....you've helped me to understand how I could do it though.

The rainy intro has nearly nothing to do with the rest as you said. I would have loved to shot in the rain ... :(

finaly I was not so short lol. thanks again for your help! ;)

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I'm glad you found the comments useful.

I tend to edit following the rule that if I'm feeling not sure about a clip, or effect, then its wrong. Its very easy to get sucked into the video, and its really good to try and take a step back and watch it with fresh eyes as it were.

AFX is short for After Effects, which is made by Adobe. Its a video composition and effects program, sitting halfway between photoshop and premiere. Its really useful, and allows for some very impressive video graphics and effects work. I've never used sony vegas but it doesn't look to have hindered you.

The night shots i was talking about were that at 2:07 you have a shot of you falling off a tailwhip, this looks relaly nice, and I presumed you have colour corrected the shot to bring up the brightness from the original night shot. At 1:52 to 2mins you have the same shot at night but without the brightening. I thin kit would have been nicer to bring those shots up to the same level as the 2:07 clip, then if you wanted to distinguish the shots from each other do a different type of effect.

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thanks for the answer on afx!

The night shots i was talking about were that at 2:07 you have a shot of you falling off a tailwhip, this looks relaly nice, and I presumed you have colour corrected the shot to bring up the brightness from the original night shot. At 1:52 to 2mins you have the same shot at night but without the brightening. I thin kit would have been nicer to bring those shots up to the same level as the 2:07 clip, then if you wanted to distinguish the shots from each other do a different type of effect.

I do understand what you are saying and I do prefer this shot from the others too, but I couldn't put more brightness or anything I could found because we would have seen too much pixels or whatever. it was just too dark. For the shot at 2:07, colors or brightness were not turn up, it was because it was the end of the day at the beginnig of the night... that's why we see more... :ermm:

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Ah thats fair enough then. It looked to me that it was been shot at the same time as the earlier shots then brightened, but if it was shot as the sun set then thats fair enough :)

As I said at the start sometimes compromises are made because of filming conditions and other factors the viewer will never know about, and sometimes critiquing of videos cant take these into account.

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