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Hey.. Sucks To Be A Noobie Again! Hehe :-)


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hey im bish, (used to be Unreal Rider on here a few years ago, maybe 3 - 4 years.... ive always regretted selling my bikes to fund cars... now i have cars i want to ride again!! so ive got my self a koxx levelboss long to get me back into things! and keep me fit!!

i live in colchester.. unfortionatly ive lost contact with all my old trials buddys and my old user name has been deleted as expected! so i have to start again from scratch!

i have ridden stocks and mods in the past, the last bike i had was a BT raven.. will post a pic incase anyone remmembers it...

my old raven. (was sold to someone on trials-forums, cant remmember who :( if anyone knows id love to know so i can make an offer on it and get it back...)


and now my koxx, i got it for a bargin!! no dents full tryall components.


sorry its a pic i just took :).

well thats me done i guess.... :$

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yeah but this koxx came up and i couldnt really turn it down as i want both. i am going to get another BTraven or simmilar long stock frame (like my old one)in the future and ride both mod and stock :-) may even enter comps again once im back on form. :)

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ohhh my old account its still there!!! i will message an admin and see if i can get some help activating it again.

thank you for linking me to that!!! im well chuffed its still there!!!

i remmember that bike being so perfect for me. memmorys is all i have of it because i lost all my videos wen my hard drive melted a while back :( *sad music*


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dont want to say but it wassnt over £301 ;)

thought it was a bargin considering the condition and parts!

got a problem!! not fammiliar with these cranks and BB there is a knock comming from the BB but i cant get the cranks off with my crank puller, looked inside its hollow can someone please tell me how to get the cranks off or so i simple wack them with a rubber mattet :P?


another pic,


i love pic wh*ring :)

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got a problem!! not fammiliar with these cranks and BB there is a knock comming from the BB but i cant get the cranks off with my crank puller, looked inside its hollow can someone please tell me how to get the cranks off or so i simple wack them with a rubber mattet :P?

Use an alan key to loosen the bolt and it should just come off. I'm not sure about this so I would wait for someone to back this up before you go braking your bike :P

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Use an alan key to loosen the bolt and it should just come off. I'm not sure about this so I would wait for someone to back this up before you go braking your bike :P

i undid the bolts in the crank earlyer but i culdnt see a way of pulling it off with a puller will try gently tapping it with a mallet to be honest i think they been on there 3 years or so!!

Edited by B1sh
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thanks guys, i appreciate your help very much !!

The old "Boiling Water" technique always works well....Take off the crank bolt, pour some water (boiling) over the crank arm/BB area then twat it with a hammer....

saw this on 1 of the posts u linked me to!!! made me LMAO. :lol:

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You mean your crank puller has nothing to push against because the bb axle is hollow?

If so, use a 5p or 1p coin in the crank. Or try a new crank puller, an ISIS one.

yes its hollow.

ohh thats an idea!! i will try that! it will come off one way of another :)

i will invest in a new ISIS tool as well as i will need it in the future.


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yes its hollow.

ohh thats an idea!! i will try that! it will come off one way of another :)

i will invest in a new ISIS tool as well as i will need it in the future.


the 5p trick works, i do it every time i need to take ma cranks off my trials and DH rig, just dnt count on using the 5p agen lol, and also it will feel a big tight at first as you are bening the 5p but one its sat in place it will bring the cranks off nicley!(Y)

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the 5p trick works, i do it every time i need to take ma cranks off my trials and DH rig, just dnt count on using the 5p agen lol, and also it will feel a big tight at first as you are bening the 5p but one its sat in place it will bring the cranks off nicley!(Y)

Hee hee, I managed to find a bolt that fits down my BBs perfectly, it doesn't bend and it works a treat.

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Yes ben it is indeed the adam bishoff.

Adam iam still about and so is luke thats about all of us at the moment.Dans gone to uni, so has oli etc,etc.

I`ll pm you my number we can ride again.


p.s just realised i cant pm you as your a new member. if you still using the same email address ill catch you on msn.

Edited by Nick Harding
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feck me, is this Adam Bischoff (or something similar?) i recall riding with you, nick and dan in chelmsford when i 1st started riding! must of been 2003? you were singing the praises of monty brake spray if i remember!

Ben (mission jumpin jack...)

i can remmember riding chelmsford! but not everyone who was there off the top of my head... add me to msn so we can chat and ill probably remmember! but i did love the monty brake spray!! untill i got my self a grinder and some decent pads :D

Yes ben it is indeed the adam bishoff.

Adam iam still about and so is luke thats about all of us at the moment.Dans gone to uni, so has oli etc,etc.

I`ll pm you my number we can ride again.


p.s just realised i cant pm you as your a new member. if you still using the same email address ill catch you on msn.

hey nick, i look forward to catching you on msn or you could email your number may be faster as msn times can vary!

my msn address is the same yeah.

just been setting up my bike for the last hour, hadthe BB out shoved loads of grease in there put it back on now seems to have cured it might have not been tight enough in the first place.. put the handlebars just how i like them etc... basically now it feels perfect.

also the 5p tricks works, but had to use two of them! there now slightly..... unusable... thanks for that tip :D

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