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Hey guys! How's everyones Saturday evening going?

Sorry to intrude, but, being a newbie and all, am I sensing a slight bit of tension to this thread?

Callum, if I may be so rude, to pose a question, to a more experienced member of the forum such as yourself?

Are you riding a seatless Trials bike?

I only ask you this, because if not, i fear your seat may have fallen off and your seatpost has become firmly and

irretrievably, wedged up your 'one-way street'.

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I got a warn for asking someone if they were retarded........

So, what will you get?

He'll get sent back to new members for being a tool... oh wait :ermm:

Right callum i'm going to say this as bluntly as possible. You've been a dick, you were sent back to new members chat as a last chance offering and a means to prove you could become a positive contribution to the community.

Instead you've posted a shed load of topics asking if you can come back, you've whined about being kicked out at every given opportunity, you've caused stupid threads like this and despite members giving you accurate, positive advice on how to become a member, you've proved your still unwilling to co-operate by being insulting back to them and generally causing a fuss over nothing.

Please will you just give it a rest, stop being a tool and think about how things come across before you do them. Who knows, maybe you'll get back in to full members.... there is a chance, albeit a small one, but its a chance none the less and its a chance your throwing away by continuing to be a tool.

Oh yeah, for the record, reporting members for trivial things such as someone saying "blow job" doesn't get you brownie points so stop trying that one please.

We've had the stupid pictures of awesomely dressed animals and all that's going to follow now is a load more abuse so i guess its thread ending time. With a wave of my mighty hand, its done! :D

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