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I Cant Ride My New Bike?!?


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I've just bought a 26 inch trials bike but the long stem means I cant bunny hop it - its a simtra-st1 - if i put a shorter stem on would it allow me to bunny hop it or do i need to make the switch to 24 inch?



Simtras are long, so won't bunnyhop particularly well, try a shorter, high rise stem (Y)

What bike have you come from?

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Ive tried adjusting to the new geometry but I have to pedal to get the front end up and then bunny hop - and I think ird be much better if I could just hop it up stuff.

Any ideas on which stem would work better?

Thanks for replies guys (Y)

Also I have come from a 24/7 v24 jump bike so im really used to pulling the front end up and hopping over stuff

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Also I have come from a 24/7 v24 jump bike so im really used to pulling the front end up and hopping over stuff

They're worlds apart dude, you'll not be able to bunnyhop any trials bike as well as a dirt jump bike, it just takes some getting used to. Trials is loads different riding style-wise, so just take the time to get used to the new bike (Y)

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When you say long stem, what do you mean? Is it 150mm long but has a 0 degree angle? Because that will make things hard.

I'm using a Monty TI bar and stem on my Kot with 25mm of stacks, and it's great, the front comes up really easily, but it's rubbish for bunnyhops because it's so long.

Learn to pedal hop instead, or tap. :P

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Ok so its best if I switch to 24" in that case as this tap and pedal hop up stuff is just too hard to get my head around - i just end up hitting my bash - think it will have to be a inspired or heatsink!

'Kin 'ell, drastic measures!!

By all means give a 24" a go (the more the merrier) but how long have you had the Simtra for?

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I have a new simtra frame, I'm runnig a pretty flat rise raceface xc stem with echo flats and im not having too much trouble with it.

In fact it feels a lot better than my old pitbull frame.

However, I am going to try a more kicked up stem and go back to my riser bars to make it feel even better.

Try a few set ups before giving up, changing your stem and bar geo will have a massive effect on the feel of your bike.

Its all trial and error!


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It takes a while to be able to bunnyhop long trials bikes, mine are still a bit inconsistent for my likes. Do not change anything, just keep practicing and youwill get it. To practise at first trackstand with the rear brake only on and practice the motion of hopping onto back wheel, then try without the brake on. 

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i've been able to bunnyhop my Long Pitbull since the day i got it, didn't have to get used to geo or anything, and it had a long stem with a tiny spacer.

Just try to get used to it and see how it goes, dont just change because you cant do it straight away, keep at it and practice untill you get it right, or learn to tap.


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