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Rear Wheel Problems


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Or it could just be somthing to do with the spokes or hub etc.


We already KNOW it's something to do with that, as that's what a rear wheel comprises of.

Where did you get it trued? If it was you LBS you shouldn't be having troubles like that, to be honest.

If it was you who did it, or a friend, have a feel of the spokes. The wheel comes out of true much easier when it's loose.

Is it deffinately the rim buckling, or could it be one side of the axle slipping in the dropouts? (ie. is the whole wheel wonkey, or is it deffinately a buckle each time?)

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A Tryall rim, well the old ones should keep their shape fairly well by themselves, the front ones have trouble though i know.

I do disagree with aener about the LBS sorting the wheel out. They might have just quickly trued it up but not fully tensioned all the spokes as they might know he'll be back for another wheel true. Or they suck and didn't tension the wheel to ovoid future buckles.

It could also be your tyre isn't sat on the rim too well?

But yeah like said, could just be the hub moving in the dropouts.

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If it was you LBS you shouldn't be having troubles like that, to be honest.
They might have just quickly trued it up but not fully tensioned all the spokes as they might know he'll be back for another wheel true. Or they suck and didn't tension the wheel to ovoid future buckles.


I see what you mean, though (Y)

Just pinch them together. They shouldn't move too much. If they feel quite loose - you need it tensioning.

Unfortunately, I haven't any idea where you could take it to do that, as I just do mine myself.

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A Tryall rim, well the old ones should keep their shape fairly well by themselves, the front ones have trouble though i know.

I do disagree with aener about the LBS sorting the wheel out. They might have just quickly trued it up but not fully tensioned all the spokes as they might know he'll be back for another wheel true. Or they suck and didn't tension the wheel to ovoid future buckles.

It could also be your tyre isn't sat on the rim too well?

But yeah like said, could just be the hub moving in the dropouts.

well the spokes arn't really that tight ?

They did seem a bit not tight enough, but im no expert with wheel tention ?

I am going to go back to the original comment, you may just be a harsh rider. Do you do a lot of spinny moves. I know when I spin a lot I need to true my wheel more often. Also do you use 20" or 26"?

I ride both but this is my 26" wheel

I surpose i do do quite a lot of spinny moves but mostly on my 20", but i did buy the wheel second hand ?

To be honist i think its the spokes ?

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