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Secondhand Or New?

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I am hoping to buy a trials bike soon but i was wondering what of these two options is best?

Onza pro 09 NEW - 395 pounds with cable disc brakes,


onza T-pro 08 SECONDHAND, but with magura brakes - 279.99 pounds? - http://www.bikeworkscycleshop.com/products...41p93&rs=gb, would the bike need brake boosters as by looking in the pictures i dont think it has any?

Is there any weight difference between the two?

Any help would be appreciated!



Edited by lukegaigertrials
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To be honest mate i wouldnt bother with either. I would probably just get validated on here then buy a decent frame second hand

for like £80/100 then just build it up how ever you want it. Will cost about the same as the other ones you stated maybe a tiny bit more

but will a much nicer bike plus you will appreciate it more. So just get validated and start looking on here :)

oo and also if you were after a stock my mate had a phase for his first bike and they are actualy quite nice rides and begginers bikes.


will be cheaper in the shops in the high street though. hope some of this is helpfull mate and good luck finding a bike =]

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Thanks 'typhoon rider' but i only have about £300 to spend at the moment (but i could save up more) so to build up a bike mightbe a lot more, and its only my first trials bike to get in to trials, so im not sure :S haha

Ahh I see, well then an onza would be a pretty good way to go cash wise =]

I would still say just buy an allready built bike then from here or ebay then when ever you get

a bit of cash just buy a better bit for it =D

thats how I built my recent bike and now its amazing =]

As second hand frames go i would go for GU typhoon, cheap koxx or zhi or something similer.

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If I were you I'd look around a bit more, and go for a more "up-market" frame/bike second hand. Either on eBay or the forum.

It will be worth waiting for a better deal to get something more worth while, even if it costs a little bit more

ok, thanks, ill have a look around :D

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ive bought second hand and new before and i must admit there is nothing better than getting a new bike pimping it yourself i reckon you learn a lot more about your riding style that way. although buying second hand can be a right bargin sometimes!

thanks, i think i will get that t-pro and do it up myself :D

Can i just say now that the t-pro http://www.bikeworkscycleshop.com/products...41p93&rs=gb is not a 2008 one as the 2008 the writing is outlined in black and also slightly more shiny.


ok thanks, do you know what year it is ?

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if it was my choice and it was my first bike i would go secondhand , due to the nature of the sport the bike will get a large amount of scratches and bangs and there is nothing more heart breaking than spending a lot of your hard earned money on a new bike that you damage in 5 minutes learning to ride it . upgrades can always be added in the future eg.new brakes,wheels etc

then when your ready change the frame.

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It's probably worth going second had. You'll get a better bike for your money and will be less likely to have a heart attack every time you scratch it. Watch out on ebay though. I bought a supposedly mint but dirty bike of there and the rear triangle was bent so far to the left that unless you put the wheel in at an angle it would rub. The same bike had a cracked wheel and nearly all the bearings where shattered! Saying that, don't let it put you off. 99percent of ebayers are honest.

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It's probably worth going second had. You'll get a better bike for your money and will be less likely to have a heart attack every time you scratch it. Watch out on ebay though. I bought a supposedly mint but dirty bike of there and the rear triangle was bent so far to the left that unless you put the wheel in at an angle it would rub. The same bike had a cracked wheel and nearly all the bearings where shattered! Saying that, don't let it put you off. 99percent of ebayers are honest.

holly crap! you did get your money back though yeh? pay pal are really good with things like that

i think its a close coin toss though like i said above there is nothing more satisfying that pimping your own bike,rather than pimping a half pimped second hand bike and although you could get a bargin on a second hand one. people tend to look after new bikes with a lot more care

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does anyone on this forum have a nice mod for sale around 300 pounds and does not live too far away from basingstoke, Hamphire because that onza has just been bought by somone else :( ? I would go on classifieds myself but i cannot talk to anyone as i am a new member :(

Thanks if anyone can help!!!!! :D

Edited by lukegaigertrials
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holly crap! you did get your money back though yeh? pay pal are really good with things like that

i think its a close coin toss though like i said above there is nothing more satisfying that pimping your own bike,rather than pimping a half pimped second hand bike and although you could get a bargin on a second hand one. people tend to look after new bikes with a lot more care

No I didn't mate. The .... quit his ebay account as soon as he had my cash.

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