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Trials World Map

Dan S

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Biketrials.ru forum and me personaly decided to make a trials map of each city. Then it turned out that people want to make a map of a whole Russia.

Here is the deal. Would oyu help us to make a World Trials map? Just add spots you know to the map so we can make a big map for your friends or tourists.

I think it is a great idea.

who's with us?

Here's the map

Edited by Dan S
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World Trials Bumsex

Rape Location guide

Hahahahahahahaha :giggle::lol:

some idiots made that.

now i have to close the free editing.

who wants to add a location has to tell me their e-mail adress

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<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&amp;hl=en&amp;msa=0&amp;ll=52.478412,-1.900618&amp;spn=0.000364,0.000858&amp;t=h&amp;msid=104257561833376751240.000469bc0258906b0af54&amp;output=embed"></iframe><br /><small>View <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&amp;hl=en&amp;msa=0&amp;ll=52.478412,-1.900618&amp;spn=0.000364,0.000858&amp;t=h&amp;msid=104257561833376751240.000469bc0258906b0af54&amp;source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">BRUM STREET LOCATIONS</a> in a larger map</small>

Just put this together about Birmingham and my local spots hape you enjoy


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+1 if you could get enough added (Y) would you be interested in marking skateparks aswell, or just trials spots?

well ,I marked a skate park in my city. but you can do trials in it.

If you have a SP to mark, where you can do trials, then mark it. (Y)


UPDATE FOR EDITORS:in description you should mention the name of the place, describe it, name what tricks can you do there and the apr height of the wall. Also, mention, whether the spot is popular or not.

Riding spots are marked with blue pointer.

Massive public gather places marked with yellow.(where you and your friends take your bikes at to dring and have a talk)

if you want, you can mark your place of living with a red pointer so people would know who to ride in that area with.

Also important.

next time you ride, take a picture of the spot. type of camera is not important. what's more important - is to show the spot itself so people could clearly understand whether to go there or not.

Thank you!


Edited by Dan S
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This is an excellent idea, but I can't help thinking that this will never work properly if it's half Russian half English!

No doubt someone will quote me and link to babel fish but the truth is none of the online translators work properly and you might end up missing out on some very valuable information.. "Don't ride on a Tuesday as this spot is used once a week as a shooting range!"

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This is an excellent idea, but I can't help thinking that this will never work properly if it's half Russian half English!

No doubt someone will quote me and link to babel fish but the truth is none of the online translators work properly and you might end up missing out on some very valuable information.. "Don't ride on a Tuesday as this spot is used once a week as a shooting range!"

well, that is a bit of a problem.

I will dupliate every rusian word in english tomorow.

Is it ok with you?

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I don't want to sound like a spoilsport but we kind of already have one in the trials-forum wiki.


Ok, cool. You marked Leicecter. I come there. And what? I need to wonder around the city to find a spot to ride?

The idea is to mark spots around the world so you can choose you rote when in a new area.

I could mark "saint Petersburg" with one pointer, but then you would have to spend days going around the city finding spots.

Also, it will be a world map. And a more detailed one.

Edited by Dan S
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Ok, cool. You marked Leicecter. I come there. And what? I need to wonder around the city to find a spot to ride?

The idea is to mark spots around the world so you can choose you rote when in a new area.

I could mark "Saint Petersburg" with one pointer, but then you would have to spend days going around the city finding spots.

I was thinking the same thing. After digging a bit further, some of the towns have more specific riding locations listed, however not that many.

The thing is, are you going to be able to drum up more enthusiasm for this map than what was drummed up for the last one? I don't think the old locations map has been updated in ages.

I'm willing to put some work in. I know a fair few riding spots around the place and it'll be something else to keep my mind off work. My gmail address is jag2010@gmail.com.

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Ok, cool. You marked Leicecter. I come there. And what? I need to wonder around the city to find a spot to ride?

The idea is to mark spots around the world so you can choose you rote when in a new area.

I could mark "saint Petersburg" with one pointer, but then you would have to spend days going around the city finding spots.

Also, it will be a world map. And a more detailed one.

No, you click on the word leicester and look at all the spots labelled with photo's etc of where they are instead of being clever ;)

It's been up for over a year now and in practise, nobody can be bothered to put on their riding places etc and go into detail on it. Obviously one person can't do it because they can't know all the riding spots in the uk. It seems a great idea at first but then it sort of fizzles out and nobody bothers with it. Admittedly the google system is a better one as the current is somewhat disjointed but i can't help but feel it will still yield the same results.

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I don't really care when it was updated.

If i have to do it myself, then I will.

Lets face it: is it that hard to mark a place where you rode today.?

Even 1 mark is good.

ofcource taking pictures is difficult and boring but in an event. Take out the phone, make a shot and continue riding.

in the evening, mark a spot and upload a pic. that's 5 mins max. But it will really help.

Skateparks should be a different colour. How's purple?

Purple is good. Keep it a dotted one.

My gmail address is jag2010@gmail.com

you're in. use the link i gave in this thread.

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I'm sorta sorry that all you did that work and probably don't want to do the work again but i'm really on it.

It will be a world trials map.

Even if I will have to travel alot, i will.

But please, if you have a free minyte, mark a spot. it's not that hard.

Anyone who became an editor - can ivite new editors too.

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