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New member here. Only been riding for about 3 months, and in that time haven't been able to pick up much! So I came here hoping to get some help from other trial riders and share trial experiences. I live very far away and I only know one other rider where I am and he stays too far for us to ride together, so I am pretty much on my own and have to teach myself the skills. There is only one importer of trial bikes and he imports the M.A.D. phase bikes, and I have the red 26" 1.2 bike. Hope to meet some cool new people here who can maybe teach me a thing or two! ^_^

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New member here. Only been riding for about 3 months, and in that time haven't been able to pick up much! So I came here hoping to get some help from other trial riders and share trial experiences. I live very far away and I only know one other rider where I am and he stays too far for us to ride together, so I am pretty much on my own and have to teach myself the skills. There is only one importer of trial bikes and he imports the M.A.D. phase bikes, and I have the red 26" 1.2 bike. Hope to meet some cool new people here who can maybe teach me a thing or two! ^_^

Hey there, welcome to the forums.

I recommend you go on trashzen.com and watch all of the .gifs and movies on there and you will pick up alot of moves. I ride by myself sometimes and I can pick up loads of new moves doing that.

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Hey there, welcome to the forums.

I recommend you go on trashzen.com and watch all of the .gifs and movies on there and you will pick up alot of moves. I ride by myself sometimes and I can pick up loads of new moves doing that.

Yeah I have studied TrashZen very hard but can't seem to get it right. I'm still trying to get up on my back wheel. I will lift up my front wheel but my bike will move forward too, so I go into a wheelie. And I can't seem to keep my front wheel up very long without pedalling. :(

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Yeah I have studied TrashZen very hard but can't seem to get it right. I'm still trying to get up on my back wheel. I will lift up my front wheel but my bike will move forward too, so I go into a wheelie. And I can't seem to keep my front wheel up very long without pedalling. :(

To stop your back wheel rolling use your rear brake.

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I just don't understand how this works. I was practising now again, but even when I'm not moving, and then I push on the pedal and lean back, I get too much speed just from that.

Also how do you guys keep 1 or 2 fingers on the brake when you do this? I try it but then when I try lift the front wheel I go all off balance!

If you guys can just give me the most basic tips, I can go try it right now, as I'm sitting at home, and then I can come back here and say whats happening, so you can tell me what I'm doing wrong... :unsure:

Another thing, my bike is an 8 speed, what is the best speed to have it on to do trials?

Edited by BTR_Vince
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Where are you from?

I started with 2 then changed to 1, much better.

Try actually hopping back. Pull back so much you will fall off, but instead of stepping down, bring the back wheel underneath you to centre your balance and repeat. When you have nailed this, then learn to do it on the spot. After that, forwards (Y)

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Where are you from?

I started with 2 then changed to 1, much better.

Try actually hopping back. Pull back so much you will fall off, but instead of stepping down, bring the back wheel underneath you to centre your balance and repeat. When you have nailed this, then learn to do it on the spot. After that, forwards (Y)

I'm from Holland but have been living in South Africa - Cape Town for the last 12/13 years.

When you say 'started with two then changed to one' do you mean the gears?

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Fingers for braking.

Awesome, it would kill me riding in that heat!

You want the gearing low enough to be able to bring the front wheel up but high enough to give you some kick.

I'm sure someone will follow on telling you the 'best' gear ratio.

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Fingers for braking.

Awesome, it would kill me riding in that heat!

You want the gearing low enough to be able to bring the front wheel up but high enough to give you some kick.

I'm sure someone will follow on telling you the 'best' gear ratio.

Yeah its not always hot, like right now its winter so its pretty cold.

I usually put it in gear 4, so halfway.

When you kick the pedal to get the wheel up, do you give it 1 hard kick or are you supposed to press down slowly?

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Yeah its not always hot, like right now its winter so its pretty cold.

I usually put it in gear 4, so halfway.

When you kick the pedal to get the wheel up, do you give it 1 hard kick or are you supposed to press down slowly?

If your learning back hops, do an endo then as the back wheel comes down use the momentum to bring the front wheel up.

Medium power really, too limp and you probably won't hold it, too harsh and you'll be jumping off the back as the bike shoots out in front off you.

If you do it slower, it's smoother but harder to control.

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Yeah its not always hot, like right now its winter so its pretty cold.

I usually put it in gear 4, so halfway.

When you kick the pedal to get the wheel up, do you give it 1 hard kick or are you supposed to press down slowly?

Hey mate, firstly, welcome to the forum :)

Secondly, You shouldn't have it in gear 4 IMO.

Gear 1 or 2 would make hopping forward much easier as you have more power in smaller pedals.

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