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Just Two Questions.


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Right, first question.........

I lent my bike to a friend on wed only to find that he had put s*@t load of tar all over my rear rim,

Is there anyway i can get it off and start again as it feels horrible and i cant ride with it like that.

Second question........

Im thinking about changing my brake lines on my maggies for a different colour,

Just wanted to know if i need to use a certain type of tubeing or if i can use any type of plactic tube.



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Not sure about the plastic tubing, probably best to stick with either magura plastic tubing or upgrade to magura braided , hope braided or goodridge braided hosing.

As for the rim your best bet would be to grind the rim, quick and simple. If you don't want to do that then your gonna need a cleaning product, I think muc off brake cleaner may work.

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Not sure about the plastic tubing, probably best to stick with either magura plastic tubing or upgrade to magura braided , hope braided or goodridge braided hosing.

As for the rim your best bet would be to grind the rim, quick and simple. If you don't want to do that then your gonna need a cleaning product, I think muc off brake cleaner may work.

Ok, thank u for your help.

I will go buy some of that "muc-off" stuff from halfords and see what happens.


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You can also use petrol to get rid of the tar on your rims. It comes off really easy, although white spirit is probably just as good and I'm sure there are other solvents too. Just see what you have lying around, although it's best to avoid really oily spirits as you don't want to leave grease on your rim. Just make sure you wash it thoroughly afterwards.

For the brakes - I wouldn't use just any old tubing, you don't want it flexing and taking all your braking power. Cleanbikes used to sell Monty tubing in blue and red colours, but I can't find it on their website now. You could try calling them?

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Cleanbikes used to sell Monty tubing in blue and red colours, but I can't find it on their website now. You could try calling them?

I found they're website, it www.cleanbikes.co.uk

I looked on ther and couldnt find any tubing.

Just things on offer.

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