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Am I Too Tall Or Too Old For Trials?


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did not know where to put this or anything, but here goes

http://www.allterraincycles.co.uk/product/114331.html no seat, leg ache?

http://www.allterraincycles.co.uk/product/8011.html seat, cool

http://www.allterraincycles.co.uk/product/115365.html cheap, but no seat

am i too tall or too old to learn on one of them bikes? strange question, i guess im not too old because i think danny macaskill is about the same age as me

i love them danny macaskill videos, the videos is what makes me want to get a trials bike, if i could learn and get some of his skills that would be awesome but am i too tall or old for that to be possible?

im 24, 25 in october and im about 6'3" or 6'4" so how would i be with one of them bikes, like seen in the link

here is my current bike, bought it for £20 the other day because i dont have a bike at the moment, so it gets me around


if i want to learn trials would it be best to start on one of them bikes in the links? i think so but i dont know, ill let you people decide, you all look like experts

anyone know where i could test ride a bike near me? or anyone that lives near me that wants to let me test ride a bike you have :lol:

thank you

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If you are looking to bye a new bike you should definetly look on here.


They have a great range of bikes on there all depending on your buget.

Or if you dont want a new bike and just somthing to learn on have a look on ebay.

Personly i found that a mod (20") is easier to lern on becuse they are small and esay to chuck around, but seeing ass your quite tall you might be better

suited to a stock (26").

You should try and find some trials bikers in your local area and have a try on both kinds of trials bikes and see which one you prefer.

And no you are never to old to start trials biking. :)

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Given your height I would be looking to get a stock (26" wheels) otherwise youre likely to feel very cramped. Dont worry about the seat, you cant use the seat on a trials bike anyway and your legs soon get used to standing up all the time :)

Age isnt an issue, Im 30 now and still riding, I just dont recover from injuries so quickly.

If you take a little care with your punctuation and capitalisation in particular you will probably be validated pretty quickly giving you access to the classified section where you can pick up a decent bike for alot less than new price :)

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I'm 26 and haven't ridden a trials bike since i was 17 (or any other bike for that matter) but just a couple of months ago i got the bug again for trials and mountain biking in general so i wouldn't worry about age mate. I know i'm not totally starting from scratch in a sense but it certainly feelings like i am with how the sport has progressed over the years but i'm catching up slowly and trying to get some ability back. But most importantly i'm having as much, if not more, fun as i used too on my bikes so i would say you are never too old. Get a bike and enjoy it! :)

As for height, i'm only 5' 8" so i don't really have height issues other than being smaller than most blokes my age. :unsure: But like the others say i would imagine a 26" stock would be most ideal.

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where can i find trials bikes that have 26" wheels? i think all the bikes on allterraincycles are about 20"

i would like a shop where i can get 0% finance too so i can spread the cost and not pay extra, i dont have loads of money to spend, is a £400 budget ok?


found this http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?pr...;category_id=47 that looks nice, dont know how it is of course but looks awesome, any people got any ideas how i could get it but pay off in installments? all i can think of is a bank overdraft but dont know if i want to do that, hopefully someone rich looks at my posts and buys it for me and lets me pay them back in installments :lol:

Edited by kevcampbell
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Again i'm just getting myself back involved with it all but £400 would be a decent amount to get started on, especially if you were lucky with a good second hand buy. Have a look in the for sale section on this forum or have a snoop on Ebay. As far as buying new goes Tarty Bikes are top notch and if you look at the Wiki on this site there are other shops too.

As far as 0% on the drip goes i'm not sure of anywhere that offers that. There probably will be but you might be best looking at the more commercial type shops for something like that but i don't know if their selection or expertise would be as good as somewhere like Tarty. Buying a biking magazine such as MBUK and looking at the shop adverts for offering 0% finance might be an idea and then looking to see if they have any trials bikes. Other than that i'd suggest just searching shops online and look for offers.

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Again i'm just getting myself back involved with it all but £400 would be a decent amount to get started on, especially if you were lucky with a good second hand buy. Have a look in the for sale section on this forum or have a snoop on Ebay. As far as buying new goes Tarty Bikes are top notch and if you look at the Wiki on this site there are other shops too.

As far as 0% on the drip goes i'm not sure of anywhere that offers that. There probably will be but you might be best looking at the more commercial type shops for something like that but i don't know if their selection or expertise would be as good as somewhere like Tarty. Buying a biking magazine such as MBUK and looking at the shop adverts for offering 0% finance might be an idea and then looking to see if they have any trials bikes. Other than that i'd suggest just searching shops online and look for offers.

merlincycles and allterraincycles do 0%

i guess my only option would be an overdraft, how is the bike in the link?

what is so special about tartybikes also, i do believe they are awesome but just want to know why :D

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If i were you i would push for a Onza Cleaner if thats your price range but my best advice if you want to start trials save up for a decent bike maybe 700/800 pounds sounds alot i know but when i first started i bought a Onza Hitman and i was very sluggish heavy and brakes were awfull to the maggies i got now,i was completely put off trials beacauseof the annoyence of trying to learn on a heavy bike like that

save up for this or similear


is definately worth it

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i would say no just personally

obviously it may be great for some people and looking at the price it prob is built for begginers

i acctually bought my current bike of all terrian and have finance also i have Onza Comp but most of it has been upgraded

just remeber this

"you buy cheap,you buy twice"

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merlincycles and allterraincycles do 0%

i guess my only option would be an overdraft, how is the bike in the link?

what is so special about tartybikes also, i do believe they are awesome but just want to know why :D

If Merlin or All Terrain have a bike you like and suits your budget i'd go for it.

Although, Like others have said the more you pay for a bike the better it is and the more easy it is to learn on probably. However, as a beginner there is always a chance that you may give trials a go and in two months time come to the conclusion that trials isn't for you. On the contrary, you may buy a cheaper bike, love trials and wish you had invested more. It's a tricky situation i guess.

I would suggest if you have a strict budget stick to it and buy whatever suits you. But if there is some flexibility in your budget and you have some patience to save up a little extra it would be worth it. I guess it boils down to how quickly you want to start riding and budget.

Again though, buying second hand could get you a better bike for your money, albeit used which i wouldn't say is an issue for starting out.

As for Tarty, i have not bought a fantastic amount of stuff from them but i ahve bought what i needed to build my trials bike up and each transaction has been easy and quick. Whenever i've spoke to them they know what they are talking about and give good advice. If i've had a problem they've done their utmost to help me sort it out. They are trials specific and just seem a pleasure to deal with and i get the same impression from others on this forum. I'm sure there are other good places to buy from but Tarty have to be up there with the best going from my experiences.

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If Merlin or All Terrain have a bike you like and suits your budget i'd go for it.

Although, Like others have said the more you pay for a bike the better it is and the more easy it is to learn on probably. However, as a beginner there is always a chance that you may give trials a go and in two months time come to the conclusion that trials isn't for you. On the contrary, you may buy a cheaper bike, love trials and wish you had invested more. It's a tricky situation i guess.

I would suggest if you have a strict budget stick to it and buy whatever suits you. But if there is some flexibility in your budget and you have some patience to save up a little extra it would be worth it. I guess it boils down to how quickly you want to start riding and budget.

Again though, buying second hand could get you a better bike for your money, albeit used which i wouldn't say is an issue for starting out.

As for Tarty, i have not bought a fantastic amount of stuff from them but i ahve bought what i needed to build my trials bike up and each transaction has been easy and quick. Whenever i've spoke to them they know what they are talking about and give good advice. If i've had a problem they've done their utmost to help me sort it out. They are trials specific and just seem a pleasure to deal with and i get the same impression from others on this forum. I'm sure there are other good places to buy from but Tarty have to be up there with the best going from my experiences.

couldnt of put it better!

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a local bike shop to me is Arthur Caygill's: http://www.arthurcaygillcycles.co.uk/

They are up here in North Yorkshire but i'm pretty sure they deliver.

They are doing 0% finance but only on orders £500 and over. I know that's over your original £400 but that is the only place that springs to my mind at the minute.

Also, i'm not sure of the extent of their trials range but i know they are Onza dealers and have some of their bikes.

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Jesus why do people keep asking if 24/25/26 is old, chances are your gonna be on this planet for 70+ years your not even halfway through it yet.

(This part is not aimed particularly at the topic starter)

You've only got one life, f**kin live it and stop worrying about when you should do this, when you should stop that, am I too tall, am I too short, am I too skinny, am I too fat, what colour hair should I have, am I too old..............

Christ you'll be dead a long time worry about all that shit then.


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Jesus why do people keep asking if 24/25/26 is old, chances are your gonna be on this planet for 70+ years your not even halfway through it yet.

(This part is not aimed particularly at the topic starter)

You've only got one life, f**kin live it and stop worrying about when you should do this, when you should stop that, am I too tall, am I too short, am I too skinny, am I too fat, what colour hair should I have, am I too old..............

Christ you'll be dead a long time worry about all that shit then.


Agreed :turned:

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