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Winter Weather

ruairidh m

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water and antifreeze bled brakes freeze up after a short time riding in the winter may aswell keep oil bled for winter and the water for summer

I've been out riding for the last two day with a water bleed in my rear Magura and the first day the fluid inside froze up almost instantly after leaving the house. Today I used an anti freeze / water mixture and the brake functioned correctly all day. There was no change in stiffness compared with how the brake usually feel and the brake didn't freeze even though it did get buried several times.

I mixed the concoction in my kitchen sink then undid all the grub screw in the lever and the bolt in the calliper. i had the calliper submerged in the mixture and the lever lower than the calliper with a bowl underneath. This causes a syphon effect to occur and leaves no need to suck the mixture through.

I really enjoyed riding in the snow regardless of the constant loss of traction while trying to do gaps, as well as the lack of friction between the pads and the rims leading to useless brakes caused by the deep snow I insisted on riding through at every opportunity.

Its been one of the best birthdays I have ever had! Bring on the snow next year.

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I really enjoyed riding in the snow regardless of the constant loss of traction while trying to do gaps, as well as the lack of friction between the pads and the rims leading to useless brakes caused by the deep snow I insisted on riding through at every opportunity.

How are you alive?

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i use rim brakes, agreed useless in the wet and snow! haha i just use onza pads, tar with water/anti freeze mix. Been out the last couple of days though and theyre fine.... but if they do start playin up i jus get the rim hot by riding with brake on and it tends it pick up and start to lock better!!! =]

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