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Wrist Injury


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I've recently done in my wrist / arm.

It's come about through either one of 2 things. Either:

1) Trials, or

2) Table Football (!)

Wierd as it may seem, I genuinely think pains have initially come through over-zealous swings on the table football table. I haven't hit the table since, however trials is pretty excrutiating now. At first it just felt like the muslces in the wrist, but that's subsided now, and the bone on the outside of the forearm ('Ulna' if Wikipedia serves me right) hurts when I go up on the back wheel. And the bone feels slightly brittle, like it may be fractured, though I have no idea as to how I may have come to fracture it. The pain is not constant thankfully. The handlebars are lifted whilst gripping with the 3rd, 4th and 5th fingers and it feels like this is a contributing factor to the pain.

Just wondering if anyone out there has had any similar experiences?

If I have genuinely fractured through playing foosball, then I could well be in the running for the most hardcore foosballer.

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See a doctor?

Yeah. Could be a chipped scaphoid or something. I left it a couple of days when I broke mine (actually had broken one of the main bones in the forearm as well) until my hand was about twice the size it should've been. Went to see the nurse at the GP's and she told me I should probably have gone straight to A&E 2 days ago... meh.

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