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Best Angle For Brake Levers?


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I had the same problem a few days ago, holding them was awkward and made my fingers ache, best thing to do is take an allen key mini-tool out with you, start at horizontal, hop around a bit, drop them a little, hop around some more, and just carry on doing it until you find out what works for you (Y)

Edited by Ninja Manatee
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Get on your bike, then adjust the angle until they follow a line down from your arms, works the best for me. Feels the most natural then, they sit in the same place your finger extends to, no reaching higher and no reaching lower.

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Problem I have is that I have pretty short fingers, being as I am short this I suppose is normal, so if I have the levers reach adjusted too far out I sorta hold the brake a bit on all the time (dragging)

If I have them too far up then I don't pull them hard enough when on the back wheel and if I have them too low then I can't reach them on two wheels.

This means I have to have the pads really close to the rims, and they rub with the flex of the frame/wheels, which is the main reason I f**king hate maggies.

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I have mine facing backwards personally.


I thought you didn't have any... Got bored of it?

As for lever angles, I find a little shallower than 45* works best for me. As Rainbird (I think) said - extended finger following the angle of your arm tends to be most comfortable - though a bunch of people I've ridden with have them almost vertical, and seem to get on fine.

Ultimately - I guess it's preference.

I await Krisboats/Sphyrinx to come and shoot me down and tell me I'm wrong once again.

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There's this old guy i see biking down my street every so often, with his levers pointing upwards. when he wants to stop he presses down - like brake pedals on a car, i guess :giggle:

(And he's like 500 years old, so he must know what he's doing.)


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There's this old guy i see biking down my street every so often, with his levers pointing upwards. when he wants to stop he presses down - like brake pedals on a car, i guess :giggle:

(And he's like 500 years old, so he must know what he's doing.)

Must have been a fasion 500 years agao cos there is a 500 year old guy round here that does that to.

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